mankkeli How do you stop your brain from thinking if you did stay?

by life is to short 65 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NewChapter

    o god no, don't take it seriously. play with it if you'd like, but don't take it seriously.

  • zoiks

    Exactly, NC. I'm thinking of folks who are still attempting a dialog or understanding with Manky.

  • cedars

    Mankkeli - your sith mind tricks won't work on me!!!

    If anyone greases me with anything, that would be Mrs Cedars' responsibility...

  • mankkeli

    cedars - Take the advise to enjoy that wonderful relationship with your family members again, It is for your own good, you wont loose anything. Tell me, where will JWN lead you? No where, It will only tie you with a rope of addiction, attend the next meeting tomorrow, meet the elders in the back room and sort things out with them.

  • mrsjones5

    "It puts the lotion on its skin unless it wants the hose again..."

    Why did that just come to my mind?

  • shamus100

    Be careful - we may change this thread to something horrifying. A thread about CAnadian Football!

    Did you guys see that game last night between the Hamilton Tiger Cats and the Saskatchewan Wheat Pluckers? 55-3 with a whip stock on the 23 1/2 metre line. I've never seen that before!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Mankeli you must be proud in cyber world. You scored a grand slam home run as far a negative attention goes.

  • mrsjones5

    No! Manny an attention ho? Say it ain't so!

  • N.drew

    NewChapter fodder for a book? You can probably worm it into something quite funny and interesting. The machines go door to door....

    Nothing to say, just thought that this thread needed another jackass to enter for a moment.

    Carry on. That's odd, a box, but shamas didn't go in it. I don't know why.

    shamus, my favorite jackass, no, monkey ass, no, monkey cheek.

    HUH? I think the OPer is hunting, not fishing.

  • zoiks

    Tell me about it, Shamus! I'm close enough to Canadia to appreciate your crazy version of football. How the heck did O'gliven botch that yinkersnap to set up the long struthop?

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