Repent because God's Kingdom has drawn close!

by Kosonen 167 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5

    Cool, no more little tho' it was a term of endearment and possibly true if you're shorter than 6' (my height).

    Plus I should add the frosting will be real homemade cream cheese frosting.

  • shamus100

    Let us never speak of 'little' again.

    Please, carrot cake and thank you. Oh, and no bacon please. I've gotten over that too.

  • poopsiecakes

    Restaurant schmestaurant, Monkeykins. You've never tasted MY carrot cake. I reserve it for very few because once they they taste it, they don't stop humping my leg. And those are the people, let alone the monkeys!

  • shamus100

    You've never served it to me!!!! I'm so terribly disappointed.

    Have you ever tried Quinoa chocolate cake. Oh my christ... excuse me for a minute... (it is my favorite) I am actually going to go into a fetal position and weep for a few hours...

  • mrsjones5

    A friend of my husband tasted my carrot cake and asked what bakery I got it from. I was simultaneously offended and proud at the same time.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    How about bacon flavoured carrot could make him some of that Poopsie...he'd love it!!!!

  • shamus100

    If you get a real bakery that makes real carrot cake, it can be quite good. There are a very select few - 'tis true, the icing has to be perfect.

    I've only had good carrot cake from a bakery. And it's in my city. Expensive, but it's so good.

  • shamus100


    You are treading, child, treading.

  • poopsiecakes

    oooh let's have an aposta-bake off!!!!

  • shamus100


    Did I tell you of the Quinoa chocolate cake episode? Did I? Did I tell you how far away it is?

    Did I tell you that I dream of it... DREAM OF IT!!! Oh my goodness, I need to go take a cold shower now...

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