The future of fairy tales

by gravedancer 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Hi Speechless......the Christs 'teachings' are good but was there anything unique about them? Why concentrate on just 'his' teachings at the exclusion of others? I think you will find Christ's stuff was just invented and put together in the second century. Don't get too heated up about it all!!


  • ISP

    Hey Rochelle..I tried fishing on that subject but got no bites!

    BTW The future of fairy tales looks pretty secure. The demand for the product is strong.


  • gravedancer


    I have made no personal attacks or insults; not called someone a troll or anything like that; not used the proverbial F-you directed at an individual. I started this thread and others replied (insulting me more than anything). I then proceeded to show them that their religion does far worse than what I posted and has done so for hundrerds of years.

    This place used to be a place where we COULD discuss beliefs. It used to be a place where we would try and make people question their beliefs.

    Now it is turning into a place where everyone is so damn sensitive and unless you post fluff you are chastised. Is this where this board is going? If it is I want the hell out of here NOW.

    Simon - see anything wrong with this thread? I don't.

  • logical

    I agree, fcuk religion. Its caused nothing but death destrruction and misery. Becasue religion is not of God.

  • teejay

    No religion can rise to power quickly without vast promises, fierce threats, and the doctrine of imminent disaster. – Martin Larson


    btw, Rochelle....

    I like the way you think! Too bad I'm married. Otherwise I'd be able to "study" with you the ways of this religion!


    Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except for the best. - unknown
  • Sunchild


    Hey Rochelle..I tried fishing on that subject but got no bites!

    Well, it was cerainly worth a try.

    BTW The future of fairy tales looks pretty secure. The demand for the product is strong.

    I think that fairytales can be useful, myself, as long as they're kept in perspective. Part of my spirituality comes from using myths and legends to understand humanity and the world a bit better, but I take them for what they are: MYTHS. Allegories. Interesting stories. Nothing more, nothing less, and certainly not an excuse to kill or hate people.


    "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
    -- Professor Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.

  • Sunchild


    I like the way you think! Too bad I'm married. Otherwise I'd be able to "study" with you the ways of this religion!

    *snicker* Since there's definitely some interst here, I'm a bit surprised more information on it hasn't been given. Now, if only I could get some of the good-looking ladies here to join....


    "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
    -- Professor Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.

  • gravedancer

    A Newbie

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