Lord, to whom would we go away to? ... Who is your mediator?
by ShadesofGrey 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Feel free to use any material from my article on this exact subject in your leaflets/fliers...
I hope it is helpful to you.
Shades- It may make you feel better to stand across the street from a Kingdom Hall with a big sign that has some message but seriously it mostly comes off as nut case #1. Its the old 'my interpretation is better than your interpretation'.
Its the 21st century, believing in divine beings to set all things right is a bit antiquated wouldn't you say given that they don't do anything.
Here is my most recent write up of this Alfred.
Thanks cedars.
designs, first of all, I was not planning to stand with a sign, but rather ask the church across the street to post specific messages on their sign.
Also, please keep in mind what I am going through at the moment. If you are a kind, loving person, you won't try to belittle me. Thank you.