Heaven and Hell : Life after death

by bioflex 84 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bioflex

    I am starting this topic to discuss the title. I know many people on this forums dont believe in the idea of God , and even JW's reject the idea of a fiery hell even though the bible clearly states is.

    This video contain testimonies osome people who even considered themselves as atheists until the point of practical death.

    I just want to emphasize what one person said in the video at the point of death - " what if God is real, and what if all that which was being said about God was true" . Hope this helps whoever it may.

    And one more thing, no matter what you do or how you live your life, just know that even at the point of death, Jesus Christ is able to save. I only pray it would not be too late for anyone.

    <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z6RoO6rK5aw?version=3&feature=player_embedded"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z6RoO6rK5aw?version=3&feature=player_embedded" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

  • bioflex


    cant seem to embed the video. sorry

  • bioflex

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Z6RoO6rK5aw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • xchange

    cant seem to embed the video. sorry

    Don't be.

  • Liberty

    I am baffled by the whole "I died and saw Heaven/Hell and then came back to warn you all about it" since it would assume that God either makes mistakes and has to change His mind about when to send folks to their eternal rewards or that He doesn't want people to be saved by faith but rather by "evidence" when letting some come back to talk about the after life.

    If God wants to provide real evidence to save people from damnation it would make more sense to bring really-really dead folks back from Heaven or Hell after several years to give thier indisputable testimony to convice us rather than just the brought back quickly-almost "dead".

    Hitler could come back and tell us all about Hell and DNA from his family could be used to verify that he was the real deal and Martin Luther King Jr. could come back and tell us about Heaven and use his family's DNA to verify as well. This is far better than easily disputed obviously live people telling us thier visions/delusions. God could use several people of varying moral or religious bents to satisfy the skeptics and save us from damnation and prove heaven awaits us without wishy-washy faith in the unseen.

  • jaguarbass
  • Liberty

    If all we need to do is pray for forgiveness from Jesus as we lay dying to be saved then our behaviour in life does not matter nor does it seem fair since those whose only crime is to die too quickly are at a disadvantage for salvation. It makes no sense. But then again, none of the salvation schemes make any logical sense so this shouldn't be a surprise.

  • Vanderhoven7


    As I see it, the Bible does not present eternal torment as the wages of sin.

    Before looking at the New testament I'd like to know how you would explain the fact that the Pharisees had developed a very traditional doctrine of hell and torment. My question would be where might they have derived eternal torment from any of the 39 books of the Old Testament.

    I'll be glad to look at every NT passage with you once we see whether eternal torment is supported in the Hebrew scriptures.

  • cofty

    what if God is real, and what if all that which was being said about God was true

    Then he can explain why he did such a good job of pretending not to exist. If he objects to the question then he knows what he can do.

  • bioflex

    @Liberty : perhaps if you look into the subject of spirituality you might understand why things like this happen, and why would hitler have to come back to life? its one thing not knowing the truth and another being classified as a wicked person which hitler fits into.

    Biblically it takes dedicated people, ones who are conscious of their spirirtual need to be able to discern the things of the sprirt. That is why when it happens to any radom person it has to be at the point of death cos thats the cross point between the physical and spiritual realms.

    Again this is different from live people seeving visions/dellusions. God uses people who are keen on searching for truth and not any random person. I suppose if you saw a vision like that as a moslem/budhist you might use it to justify your own religion.

    You can choose to believe it or not. its your choice, but know that you are not ignorant of it.

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