Called Sports Talk Radio about Joe Paterno/Child Abuse Scandal - BUT.......

by flipper 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • flipper

    ........... I was refused by the call screener to be allowed to talk on the air about child abuse !!

    This happened on Sports Talk radio 680 AM out of San Fransisco ( the S.F. Giants / 49ers station ) . While driving to work early a couple mornings ago , the 2 sports talk show hosts were going on about how awful it was that Joe Paterno let this go on and didn't report his assistants child abuse to police authorities - that it was inconceivable that a man of that alleged " character " would unjustly not report it. So I thought to myself that this goes on ALL the time in the United States & everywhere in religions , Catholics, Jehovahs Witnesses . So I thought I would call this show to inform them of that fact. You know - inform the public about HOW dangerous and COMMON child abuse is in our culture and why children should be protected !

    So- I stated to the Call screener , " I want to talk about the Joe Paterno child abuse scandal regarding the cover up . I didn't know if you are aware of it but covering up of child abuse happens way too much in our culture. In mainstream religions , whether Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses , and others - many times elders in congregations will not inform police authorities and allow pedophiles to remain in good standing in their congregations. So children are put in danger because police aren't notified AND these religions try to cover child abuse over. " The Call screener said to me, " Flipper , I can't let you come on the talk show and say that some religions are allowing child abuse . I don't feel comfortable letting you do that. " I asked him, " Why not ? " The screener said, " You are mentioning religions by name and that's not good. " I asked , " What if I leave out ANY names of religions and just mention that several religions try to cover over child abuse within their organizations ? " The Screener said, " No. I don't feel comfortable with that, I can't allow that. " Now I was getting annoyed. I told him, " So YOU are keeping information from the general public that might protect potential victims of child abuse ? What gives you the right to prevent public access to information that might protect children ? " He replied, " Well- I'm the call screener so it's my call . " ( Obviously a power tripping call screener ) So I finished by saying, " I think it's really sad and ridiculous that freedom of speech can't get out to the public to inform them of child abuse problems within some religious organizations. So YOU are exercising INFORMATION CONTROL over what the public hears ! " Then I said goodbye and hung up on him not letting him speak.

    So- My question to you folks - What do you think caused this guy to shut me down , not letting me on the air ?? Financial liability for the radio station ? Perhaps fearing repercussions from callers getting angry about religions hiding child molesters ? Or - Perhaps KNBR Radio's sponsors may be religously tied or something ?? I'm really curious to get all of your opinions on this. WHAT on earth would stop a public access radio station who is aLREADY talking about a Sports coach child abuse scandal - refuse a caller to talk about nationwide child abuse problems ?? As always I look forward to your takes and observations ! Thanks ! Peace out to all of you. Lets all protect the children as much as we can within our power. Mr. Flipper

  • Berengaria

    I think that call screener was a wimp. I'm sure they get chewed out if a call is over the top. But I heard a guest on a news show just tonight compare this to the Catholic church issue. It is. They protect their own. It's despicable.

  • flipper

    BEKS- I felt that call screener was a wimp as well . Either THAT or he was in fear of losing his job or something letting me not get on the air. My wife mentioned that perhaps the Catholic church is a sponsor of the radio station or they may have multiple sponsors with religious affiliations. Either way- I thought it was pretty unfair not to let me speak on the air

  • ShirleyW

    My goodness, last night on NBC Nightly News they mentioned the Catholic Church and other sex scandals when they covered the Paterno story, what's wrong with that radio station?

  • flipper

    SHIRLEY W- Good question . I don't know WHAT'S wrong with that radio station. My wife told me I should write a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle or newspaper or perhaps send an E-mail to the radio station. I may do that. We shall see. I have to think about whether it would do any good

  • simon17

    Call screeners are sifting calls so that the discussion on air goes in specific directions. Maybe thats not the direction they wanted to go. Also they probably go on the first description and don't want to negotiate. I don't know... I don't see it as a big deal. Its their show, they can talk about what they want to talk about, no?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I think this event will bring a lot of child abuse issues out and the radio station knows this. That guy was probably told not to allow anyone with 'other' agendas ie religious to voice their opinions. The problem is so big it would just get out of hand.

    Ironic that he is condemned for the cover up when the media is still covering it up isn't it? People still try to brush the Catholic thing and the religious thing under the carpet like it was old news...makes me sick...the Catholic cover up was huge and unforgiveable...people have short or selective memories and I very much doubt that the problem has been irradicated. And other religions pffft...same ol' same ol'.

  • flipper

    SIMON 17- True- The Talk show hosts may have been directing the show in a certain way, but what I had to say just verified how child abuse is a REAL problem in our country and it went along with how Paterno tried covering up tHAT child abuse scandal. Of course it's their show, but I feel the media should have a responsibility to put out accurate information to the public- not HIDE that information from the public. Yeah, I think it's a big deal !

    STILL THINKING- Your take may be accurate. Perhaps the Radio hosts were told to STRICTLY only discuss the Joe Paterno case, not ANY other child abuse cases. I buy that. But you are correct- there seems to be a huge hypocritical stance by the media covering over some of the Catholic abuse cases and now this one. People get convenient memory loss about these scandals. As do Jehovah's Witnesses. Hell- many of them don't even KNOW they have a child abuse problem ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    ummm maybe the call screener was catholic, or even worse jw?

    anyway i admire your courage to speak out!

  • sir82

    It was a CYA.

    If you start naming religions on the air, then members of those religions get all upset and call the station to complain, thereaten to boycott the show's sponsors, etc.

    There's hundreds of people who want to call in to the talk show, so they can be very choosy. Even a whiff of controversy will prevent you from getting thru.

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