TALESIN- I guess your take may very well be correct. Perhaps they didn't want to talk about religion regarding child abuse. Just stay strictly on sports child abuse. Kind of weak on their part I think. To me- child abuse is child abuse- no matter WHERE it happens. But- that's just me.
DARTH FROSTY- I think you hit an important nail on the head that " people don't want to believe that established institutions be they religious or educational can be so corrupted. " I REALLY agree with that take. It causes people cognizant dissonance where it implodes their brains and thought processes in how they've been conditioned by society to TRUST authority figures ( clergymen, elders, or teachers, counselors ) - and if that trust is broken it freaks them out and their world views implode.
And regarding your other thought on worrying about false allegations coming back on them, yes that's possible. Either that or they worry about the lawsuits coming back at them from child abuse victims and their families. Good points