Hello Mankelli
In your Opening post you stated (balding is mine):
… What does it reflect about your tolerance?, does it show you respect other people’s view and you can accomodate dissenting opinions?. The same accusation you levied on the watchtower for smashing you out of their brainwashing centres(Kingdom hall), is what you may be indicted of if care is not taken. Would you feel comfortable doing thesame to other members here?. Please think twice.
Henceforth, I will appreciate it if everyone on this board coordinate his or herself in a dignifying manner, a manner worth of emulating and a manner worth of reference.
Take care.
Mankkeli (Cyber Doctor)
If this was all meant sincere, we might expect you, Mankelli to live up to your own standard. Let us see how that works out in your following posts on the same thread in 24 hours:
Page 1 – 5 th post you wrote: mrsjones5 - Take it easy
Page 1 – 10th post you wrote: mrsjones5 - I'm only injecting sanity
(as if we are not sane, and need your therapeutic advice)
Page 1 – 20th post you wrote:
N.drew - Please get some pills down your oesophagus
mrsjones5 - your big mouth
(lost your temper, resorting to calling names? funny you say of others they have a big mouth - see below)
Page 2 – 2nd post you wrote :OUTLAW - Stop being a son of lawlessness
(oh, calling names - tolerance, dignity and respect is sliding fast)
Page 2 - 9 th post: Now I believe, apostacy comes with a prize
(we are not apostates, according to the bible)
Page 3 - 6 th post : NewChapter - Please open a new chapter in your mental chaplain and stop behaving like a new chap without a spiritual championship swagger.
(respect, tolerance & dignity completely gone by now)
Page 4 - 12 th post : ScenicViewer - Thats just my style, I'm filled with big words, no need to be jealous.
(right you are, you have a big mouth - and you accuse other people of that, just a few hours ago, you are acting hypocrite)
Page 4 - 20 th post : OUTLAW - Man of LAWLESSNESS, It seems you are hunting me these days. Any feud?
(the name calling has not stopped)
Page 5 - 4 th post : ziddina- Of what benefit is it to use expressions like "BS" on this board while expecting lurkers to take you serious or think you have left the organisation for good reasons.
(you have just been calling names to everybody on this board the last 24 hours and you rant about the abbreviation BS?)
Page 5 - 8 th post : thetrueone - To balance discussions on board and inject sanity where appropriate. I have received tens of PMs in few weeks for this magnanimous activity, a lot of lurkers have commended my effort as I have prevented them from making rash decisions.
(You have made this claim in the past, however you have never presented any evidence of that. Please back it up with some screenshots of these PMs, because they don't hold water otherwise. By the way, by nature most lurkers are usually not registered and cannot send you PM's)
Conclusion: I am afraid you need a good look in the mirror, my friend. It us not us who lack respect and dignity, it is yourselves. The hypocrisy and lies are lying in layers on your computer screen, you claim to promote one thing, and you do the entire opposite in the next few hours . If there is one thing I hate about persons in the society, then it is this constant searching for prominence of young elders, it is soooooo disgusting. You are a handbook example. Step down from your ivory tower, because You have hurted and are hurting other people, and you don't even realize it. You are the examplar product of the society's school system: stupid and ignorant, a head full of useless bagage, with an ego as high as the Eiffel tower, with the social skills of a dinosaur. You are unable to realize that we actually are trying to bring you back to reason, apparantly to no avail.
Yours truely