Please dont be guilty of committing the sins you have indicted the WatchTower of
by mankkeli 184 Replies latest jw experiences
I thought Mankkeli's thread was supposed to be ironic due to its archly Watchtower-like preachy tone; then I realized he was dead serious. Now I'm thinking he was being ironic - only he doesn't realize it. Oh, the folly of the man who accuses others of things he himself is guilty of.
"Black women are too tough in a good way to understand weak whiteness."
Don't so sure of that. There's enough weakness to go around.
Yes! I'm not sure of much. But I do believe and hope that I alway will believe God Is Love!
"Ive heard many evil dalmation stories since,but I dont know if they are sympathy stories or if Dalmations really are inbred and sketchy..."
I've heard it stated on the "Animal Planet" channel - and I would recommend a "google" search, too, for whatever that's worth - that statistically speaking, more Dalmations bite humans than any other breed of dog...
However, when a dog specifically bred for fighting - like a pit bull, Great Dane, or Bull Mastiff - bites, it's usually much more serious because of the size of the dog and its tendency for the 'fighting' breeding to come through at the time of the attack...
Zid - who had a big mug of a Bull Mastiff/German Shepherd for 5 years... 'Till he got hit by a car...
I thought Mankkeli's thread was supposed to be ironic due to its archly Watchtower-like preachy tone; then I realized he was dead serious.
What it comes down to, is its all about which hat he was wearing at the time, the apostate hat which is pretentious with his intentions or
the self righteous JW hat.
He's been playing with the heads of so called apostates here like he was genuine, when in reality he was holding the power of the almighty JW.
Don't believe me take a look back at all of the threads that he started, including this one.
How many people that you know give Sunday public talks, then spend alot of time conversing on the biggest anti-JWS web site around ?????
Brother Mankkeli is a liar and bit a of a disingenuous cad.
I also think he's a young teenager having one on people here, out of differential self endeavored spitefulness.
"If you are talking to anyone and I might answer aquagirl, I recommend the book GIRLS LIKE US by Rachel Lloyd..."
N.drew, honey, we saw your post...
Care to start a thread of your own, about that book, explaining why you liked it so much and why you'd recommend it to other people?
Such a thread would be a refreshing change from "Makkitup" - or as you call him, "Mankill" [- and I LIKE your nickname for him very much!! - ] from "Mankill's" threads...
You few who have made me feel like I'm real, thanks, but most people ignore me.
N.drew . . . almost overnight you are one of the most popular posters here . . . I read your posts with sheer delight.
Some posters need lot's of attention . . . don't be like that. Mankelli's like that.
Thank you. !!!
Greetings and peace to you ALL!
SA, who was kidnapped for breakfast and the day out by hubby so couldn't respond right away... aplogizing for the delay... and waving and sending hugs back at dear Miz Josie ... a hug and "shout out" back to dear Hoffnung... and blowing a big sloppy kiss to dear N.drew... well, to ALL ya'll, akshuly - MMMUAH! ... on her own...