thetrueone: Good, contrast the fake WTBTS version with the real. This is what I mean.
Jesus of Brooklyn: Invisibly Present Since 1914
by 00DAD 21 Replies latest jw experiences
The WTS view is strange. Jesus supposedly returned invisibly in 1914 but he doesn't speak to any of the WT presidents or the GB, nor does he prevent them from making false prophecies or from adopting and then abandoning life-and-death doctrines, such as the need to refuse organ transplants. So how is this "invisible presence" different from not being there at all?
Whenever I ask a JW how the "invisible presence" works, what Jesus actually does by way of running things at Bethel, I get blank stares. Seems no one has considered that question before. Since the WT hasn't told us, the question must be unimportant, right?
Good point Ding, one of the things that got myself rethinking about the issue that god was using and had chosen the JW organization as his sole earthly
organization was the precariously false doctrines ie. 1975. The Truth came to me when I realized this calculation was impossible
and it was devised solely to heighten attention to the WTS. published works.
I couldn't mentally accept that god would use or support men who were so calculating and purposely corrupt.
It was indeed a publishing house controlled by men for the wanting desire of their own self empowerment and any attainable financial gain.
Band on the Run
The historical Jesus has to rely on analyzing all the gospels, Paul's teachings - a bit, and commentaries on the culture of the time.
Jesus' sayings often run through canonical and noncanonical gospels. The interpretation is different.
Jesus clearly had oratorical skills. Why did he not say that in 1800 or 1914 or 1917, He would lead a group called in Brooklyn, of all places. Historical Jesus could not begin to imagine Brooklyn.
Why did Jesus not explain that he had Michael's energy? His claim to be God or lack thereof is unclear from the text.
The Christology, which is difficult, and the 1914 claim are central to me. If Jesus did not appoint the WTBTS, everything falls.
Funny how the bible says "every knee shall bend to christ" - then he supposedly returns in 1914 and what does the gb do? Bow down? Noooooooo.
They come up with the blasphemous idea that ... THEY will be MEDIATORS, not the Christ!!!! {for those who still believe the scriptures}
They come up with the blasphemous idea that ... THEY will be MEDIATORS, not the Christ!!!!
And the result is people are expected to bow down to them in subjective servitude and obedience.
The pursuance of power into men's hands usually leads to corruption with forbearing dire consequences.
jonathan dough
Jesus was "present always" - Matthew 28:20
so, what does his "coming" means ?
"Present always" spiritually, his invisible spiritual presence. (Also, Christ is the Spirit, and is in the Believer, not merely in union with believers as JWs incorrectly teach).
Coming visibly, during his Second Coming which is a future event, not 1914, as the resurrected human, the God-man, God the Son who is a divine person who assumed a human nature. Christ was still human when he ascended.