Jesus of Brooklyn: Invisibly Present Since 1914

by 00DAD 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 3rdgen

    Brooklyn Jesus hates colored shirts, colored markers, and ladies fashion boots. He blesses the WTS and will soon destroy every living man woman and child who is not an exemplary JW. Jesus of Nazereth said MY yoke is kindly and my load is light. Is it easier to be a JW than a Jew? According to the Bible Jesus it should be much easier to be a TRUE Christian. Bible Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus when he died. Brooklyn Jesus says things like "well he's better off dead since he wasn't baptized. MAYBE now he'll have a resurrection.

  • smiddy

    The Jesus of Watchtower theology is relegated to a vey minor role,in the christian greek scriptures ( New Testament ) However in the NWT of the christian greek scriptures what do we read, Acts 11:26....".and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were, by, DIVINE PROVIDENCE CALLED CHRISTIANS ".... not jehovah`s Witnesses,.... did you get that ??.... they were called by divine providence"CHRISTIANS"..... NOT JEHOVAH`S WITNESSES.

    Isaiah 43:10 You are my witnesses is the utterance of Jehovah....was written hundreds of years before christs appearance ,yet no one person or group ever identified themselves as a Jehovah`s Witness....,no body or group took that name on themselves in the intervening years from Isaiah`s day to the time of Jesus ,why is that!

    But centuries later in Jesus time , by DIVINE PROVIDENCE they were to be identified as" CHRISTIANS"...... not jehovahs witnesses

    This is" scripture"" holy writ" it is not the uninspired writings of the Watchtower

    What /Who do you beleive the" HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED WORDS OF THE BIBLE" ? or the uninspired words of the WatchTower


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