What is the stupidest comment you ever heard at a meeting?

by 3rdgen 85 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wobble

    Smiddy, that is a stupid comment, she may well have had a bra on, the sort that the nipples poke through the cut out holes, peekaboo !

    I bet all the red blooded males that heard his stage whisper were glad of the info, they may not have bothered to look otherwise.

  • punkofnice

    ''Well, we shouldn't watch magic tricks on TV...........................they're magic and that's Demonic!''

    I kid you not! I was astounded. I'm glad I wasn't the 'indoctrination oversneer' that day!

  • jookbeard

    my elder father used to spout this crap every so often "if I was the only JW in the whole world left I'd still believe it was the truth "

  • punkofnice

    My Dad used to say : 'If Jehovah didn't offer us eternal life I'd still worship him!'

    I remember telling Dad : 'I wouldn't!'

    RIP Dad!

  • hotspur

    A young lad reading at the book study managed to get "fleshy organisms" to become "fleshly orgasms"... wonder what he was thinking about?

    And then there was this kindly old elder who managed to desrcibe "ladies of the night" as "promise girls" - as opposed to the "promiscuous girls" he wanted say! Wonder what he he had on mind too?

  • truth_b_known

    I, as politely as possible, pointed out we are trying to teach him the Bible, that there was a talking snake and a talking donkey, that the sun and moon can stand still so a battle can be won, that you could be brought to life for just touching a prophet's dead bones....and I could go on for hours with totally unbelievable incidents in the Bible. He went quiet, then said, "yes, but in the Bible it really happened, so it's different..."


    I laughed out loud. That is a great experience.

  • carvin

    Joey Jo Jo remindend me of a conversation w/an elder about bdays and anniverserys. Elder said anav. are ok because god instituted marrage, so I asked who instituted birth? I was then told "You're just looking for fault in the org." I replied what are you looking for when you knock on peoples doors? I'm such a rebel.

  • jookbeard

    2 big mouthed old sisters in my old congs who thought they knew it all, answered up all the time and generally pissed everyone off with their big headed stupid attitude, fat old sister A starts going on and on about Joe Rutherfraud how great he was how he endured persecution blah blah, ( I began rolling my eyes) then the silly old cow starts going on about outsiders and opposers gave him the title "Judge" (I'm thinking shut the f**k up you silly old cow you dont know what the hell you are talking about) so when the meeting finished I went to the library picked up the first old book from the 1930's I saw opened the inside page and there it was "Written by Judge Rutherford".

    Another mouthy silly old cow puts her hand up and calls the worldly holiday "Christmas" paganallia.

  • smiddy

    This same elder as my previous post, said : "you can always spot a brother or sister in a crowd of people because they wore a kingdom smile"


  • Joliette

    Either way, if you die...you'll just wake up...

    I dont think that happens...lol

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