Is it God, the Bible or just the Dubs?

by Slidin Fast 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    Bobby Rydell had a hit song about 100 Pounds of Clay...other than that humans are older than the Genesis Record. Egyptian villages unearthed dating 7000 years ago www.http://news.nationalgeographic/news/2008/

  • recapitated

    It only takes minimal common sense to realize that the god of the bible is a creation of sick and twisted human minds and the JWs are only one small symptom of this travesty. Throw out the baby with the bath water!

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    The questions I care about are, Who is Jesus? and Why did he come? The answers to those questions could have an actual impact on my life.

    It's off topic, but since you asked. Jesus was, and is, God the Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. God-man, fully God, fully man, a divine person who assumed a human nature. And the primary reason he walked the earth was to redeem man through his death and reconcile humans to God Almighty.

    It's all right here:

    Proof texts that Jesus was, and is, God.

  • designs
  • tec

    I don't think of the bible as one book. It is many books. Some things are inspired, some things are simple history, chronology, records. Some things are prophets and prophecy, parables and moral teachings, some things are dedicated to the law. Some things are witness testimony to Christ. Some things are letters to specific people or congregations.

    The writings are subject to time, translation, and errors... so not inerrant. That does not mean unreliable though. Because we don't consider any of our history books or philosophy books to be inerrant, yet we often find them reliable and useful. The creation account does not set any sort of a date for the age of the universe, or even the planet. It does use language that the people at the time could have understood. Since there would have been no word for 'molecules' or things like that. No 'background' information. So simple terms were used to reveal deeper things later... God created light. God created plants, animals, etc. We understand a little more about the process now, so we can... fill in the blanks, so to speak.

    I look to Christ before anything else, to understand and see God. I 'test' everything against Christ and his teachings/deeds.

    The bible is just a tool, imo. Christ is the Truth. Christ is the living image of God.



  • extractor

    Very true TEC. JWs are handed a false version of the Bible, a false version of God, and a false version of Jesus.

    None of us would like it if someone came up to us and said, "I'm going to reject you because someone told me lies about you."

  • Hoffnung

    There is much proof that humans are on this planet for way longer than 6000 years. That is a proven fact.

    Further there is no proof whatsoever that Adam & Eve or any other couple of "perfect people with prospects of eteranl life on the earth" have ever lived on the earth. There is no proof for a worldwide flood 4500 years ago. For me there is nothing true in the bible until the appearance of Abraham. That does not mean I do no respect the bible. It still is a great resource to use in everyday's life. But I do not believe in the Genesis fairy tales any more.


  • designs


    That's pretty naive.

  • Terry

    I dont think its a matter of chucking out the bible or the christian God, the default position must be to consider all holy books and gods initially equally likely, that is, not accept one particular as the default position, and then finding the one which has convincing evidence speaking for it.

    Life comes down to survival in an indifferent and often hostile world, doesn't it?

    We survive by using our head and making choices. Practical solutions to a practical problem must be rational.

    The history of mankind demonstrates thousands of strategies of thinking men and stupid men.

    Tibes, kingdoms and nations came and went. The better ones lasted the longest because of Practical Ideas uniformly applied.

    In the West, where most of us grew up and were taught our view of the world and life in general is DOMINATED by Bible, God and superstition.

    Every time a people has been less practical in their mixture of superstition and everyday life it has been DISASTROUS.

    But, we just won't (or can't) LET GO.

    It is the definition of insanity at work.

    INSISTING the bible is the infallible superior True truth from an Almighty being has not worked out to peaceful, happy, societal perfection.

    Just the opposite.

    But, all the warring and disagreeable christians WON'T LET GO of that poisonous fundamental idea.

    The smiling, peaceful, loving religious people you know and love and admire DO NOT RUN ANYTHING and so, they can't mess up our lives.

    Our leaders (people who DO RUN THINGS) are generally and often corrupt phonies who exploit and mislead while spouting scriptural "truth".

    God, the Bible and Jehovah's Witnesses all have ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR:

    Superstitious assertions without factual evidence.

    Should it surprise anybody that BELIEVING and APPLYING superstitious nonsense to practical life WILL NOT WORK OUT WELL FOR YOU?

    Wondering why it hurts when you bang your head into a wall should be your first concern.

    Change your foundation and you change your methodology.

    Head banging might just stop!

    the default position must be to consider all holy books and gods initially equally likely

    Wrong! How about equally UNlikely?

    Religion and Holy Books=Superstition and Authority based obedience to impractical methods.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Not this again... we evolved from a common ancestor with other primates. It's simple as that, the bible does not give any remotely accurate explanation that fits the scientific evidence no matter which way you turn it.

    The Bible says, every animal was created to it's kind which is scientifically disproven. You can have a lot of arguments about the exact meanings of the Bible mentioning times but the fact of the matter is that not only were there never 2 humans that started it all, there were literally hundreds of the same variation before they started breeding with each other and branching out as their own kind. The human genome, evolution, astrophysics all disprove the bible at the very least if not an existence of an intelligent creator.

    Also, the idea of a benevolent, omnipotent and omniscient god as described in the bible can be disproved with simple philosophical arguments.

    As for my first argument, I CAN PROVE IT and evolution is ongoing and highly visible in our own day (look at MRSA).

    The bible is useless and but a book of myths and grand tales. It doesn't even have historical use because it's wrong on so many things, dates and places (King David never built anything, Jesus' birthplace didn't exist until 200 years later, the prophets were written well after the facts).

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