Is it God, the Bible or just the Dubs?

by Slidin Fast 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    One of the worst mistakes of Bible exegisis promoted by JW's and other literalists is to treat every book of the Bible as equal to every other book. This gets picked up by non-believers and stood on its head - they make the same mistake but the opposite application. It's

    like saying your library is wrong because half of what's in it is fiction, or because some of the books disagree with each other.

    The bible is purely mythical stories.

    See, I disagree with you here. So while I knew that you meant the mythical stories; not the mythical writings, it didn't matter. I disagreed either way. There are myths in the bible, true. But lots of other stuff too.

    The Garden of Eden, as I understand it, is a place of the spirit. So no eating would mean no death, even in the sense that you are speaking about.

    though it was of course literal right up to that moment.

    Deciding something is literal when it wasn't literal in the first place is the mistake. 6 day (24 hours) creation... was that literal before fundamentalists got their hands on it and declared it literal? I don't believe it was. So really all that is being tossed into the fire is the false idea that crept in without merit.

    Peace, (and thanks for the tips on the keyboard)


  • designs


    If the Texts and Books you mention have serious flaws and misunderstandings then isn't your Faith just a product of your inner wishes.

  • N.drew

    Man has been around for a lot longer than 6000 years. The bible is absolutely untrustworthy as a literal text.

    It all falls apart as inspired because Jesus ratifies the creation account.

    The whole simple framework of original sin and the ransom collapses unless the creation story is true.

    Lots of people here have varying degrees of faith in God and the bible but where is it reasonable to draw the line?

    We are (mostly) united in our contempt for the WT interpretation of things but do we chuck out any faith in the Bible or God as a result?

    Can we chuck the idea that the bible is TRUTH? But be knowing it's not a lie? It's communicating, isn't it? Why did "Jesus ratif(Y) the creation account"? Because he speaks another language of communication. Matthew 5:17. So they and he were talking to everlasting life and recalling it. The spirit is not bound by time. The prophets are in association with the faithful OF ALL TIME. That is the everlasting life. Can I call it the everexisting life? If we learn harmony with IT (whether you want to believe in a personal God of not, it is a choice that should not matter) then the "race" can be to gain the actual everlasting life. Science has already agreed that it's possible. The 6000 years should not be believed as truth (imho). It doesn't matter how old man is, the Bible is an account since sin entered. If "Eva" had not disobeyed (her consious perhaps?) somebody would have eventually. What she did was bring it in in OUR infancy. Not good. But either way the sin needs a solution. Jaheshua is the solution, but he is not alone. He does not do it alone, but all the rest can't do it without him.

  • designs


    'Jaheshua is the solution', how so and to what problem.

  • N.drew

    Scientifically speaking, I believe it is our DNA that is screwed up. He knows how to fix it. Did you read the part about spirit not being bound by time?

  • designs


    First it has to be argued that DNA is screwed up and not simply functioning as DNA ought to function. Our 'spirit' also needs to be argued in light of science and not simply religion. For instance what carries on beyond the death of any 'body' from a science perspective.

  • N.drew

    I don't believe in life after death.

    Here's something funny. Did you see Angels and Demons. I stayed up late last night. It is something that I would NOT have watched while IN, not so my conscious wouldn't proceed to precious if I did, but because I was concerned with my fellow's conscious. But, not anymore, can you tell??? Haha!! There was a scene where Hanks has to get permission to visit the Vatican achives for research. The depiction or reality was awesome! (of the archives) One of my favorite movie scenes (maybe someone should start a thread like that, not me, most people don't read me...) The priest asks Hanks who is a scientist "do you believe in God". And I'm thinking say "I've never been in god". But what he said was much better! What's my point? Hell knows. I mean who knows. Haha.

  • startingover

    I think this paragraph is all important and always ignored by believers. Thanks for posting it Qc.

    The Fall myth is the entire basis for the Atonement myth that followed in the NT. The disgusting idea that butchering an animal would pay for breaking religious rules , I.e. that something else living can be forced to act as makeweight in a divine court of justice allowing the lawbreaker to continue Scott free, reaches is most immoral and shocking climax when expressed as human sacrifice. Why so many cultures seem to favour this immoral practise is a subject for another thread but it is a sign of a retrograde culture that makes up a supernatural need to murder someone else.

    Shades of Grey, thanks for the honesty. You wanted to believe in Jesus so you found a way. I suspect that is the case with most believers. I personally base my beleifs on reality no matter where it takes me.

  • designs

    11.24.11 Let the Sacrifices to the Great God Turkey begin!


    startingover " I personally base my beliefs on reality no matter where it takes me."

    To do that takes integrity and courage.

    To be a seeker of truth regardless of where it leads, is the road less travelled.

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