Walking in on brothers masturbating. 3 times. Paul Chavar####, Joe Neiderhi###, and Matt Olem##.
Being forced to write positive reviews for official Osha documents. I wrote in under the section that asked the individual their opinion on the safety program. I was told that all the answers to the questions were to be Yes, and the highest rating should be given in every category. So I wrote in that they should not be telling the Bethelites what to write on the form because it is supposed to be a personal opinion for each person. Well, a half hour later Bob Sch@@n and Dan Mar$#al called me in and told be to erase what I had written. (This is in my first week by the way, at the Farm.) I told them that I could not in good conscience erase it. But I told them that they could erase it if they wanted to. So Bob took the pencil with a sound of disgust, and shaking his head and erased my comments.
Getting drunk in the picnic grounds behind the A building with Matty Ole###, Randy Babbi##, Shane Ol$#^, My brother Danny, Ruben Po&&a$ and Chris D@R@ (trying to keep full names obscured here.) One time we almost got in a gang fight with the paint shop a$$holes. Ruben threw a beer bottle at them barely missing one of them. Ruben was plastered. Then the paint shop guys came over and started asking questions like who threw it and how many beers we had drunk. We hid Ruben cuz he was the drunkest, and I did all the talking being the least drunk. we talked them into forgetting about it but there were some tense moments. Like we were going toe to toe for a few moments.
Getting in a fight in a car with Dave L@ck. He was mad about something that happened in a football game on TV and when he got in the car he shoved me over. So I took his head and rammed it several times against the back door window. Then one of the guys in the front seat, jumped into the back and came between us.
Shane Gat#s telling me after I challenged him on some stupid issue I can't even remember, that I should "never challenge an elder." Then playing baseball with him, I was pitching him bad pitches on purpose cuz he was sucha dick, and he went off on me, stopped the game and accused me of doing what I was doing. I didn't admit it of course. Finally after he cried about it long enough, the other team gave him two extra pitches. he got a good hit unfortunately, but man he couldn't take losing. total cry baby.
I almost walked in on Cindy Pe**s and Don Lar$#n "practicing" in the stairwell. She played clarinette and he played sax. They both got caught cheating on their mates with each other soon after that. Willie Pe**s is still at Bethel I have heard.
Butch Braina$d grabbing me and pulling me off the feeder stand because I insisted on rotating jobs and Butch wanted some other operator to get a production record. This almost turned into a fight cuz the way he grabbed me and pushed me off. It would have been an assault if I had called the police. I should have.
Me and Sheri Braina$d had a little romance going on for a while. It got real intimate, to the point I had to ask to be transferred. She pulled me aside one day and said, "You know that song "It's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along?" That's how I feel about you." I just walked off the factory floor and went home for the day. I didn't know what was happening. Then the next day I asked for a transfer. I was such a good boy. If that happened today I would tap that no hesitation!
Stuff I did:
Walking through the dining room with a pillow and blankets in my hand and people asking me where I was going, and I said, "to do my all night watchman." people were like, What the hell? you are taking a pillow and blankets to the Watchtman booth? Nobody ever confronted me about it.
Steal mail sacks and use them to carry my stuff in. I had a collection of sacks from other countries. On each one it said, PROPERTY of the Austrailian government etc. I carried them all around Bethel. One guy asked me about it once, I just said, "i'm borrowing it.'
Taking many many blank cassets from the stationary store and making mix tapes with them. I NEVER contributed for literature when I was at Bethel. In fact even after Bethel I never gave a dime again for any literature. I figured, I gave at the office.