that their bible is different from ANY bible ANYONE else reads in that it has added the name jehovah to the new testament greek scriptures?? when it is not there in any ancient manuscript???? i mean they put it there where it aint quoted at all 12 times in revelation....i mean how can they not have a problem with that????....or maybe if they knew??? far 13 elders i have talked with including my brilliant elder/dad....and they had no clue..................oompa
sorry...but how do they not notice???
by oompa 26 Replies latest jw friends
JW`s don`t care..
JW`s that do care and don`t shut up are DF`d..
Problem solved..
Oh you're asking for it now
Found Sheep
Don't question the GB!!!!
There is a bigger problem than that. They changed it to suit their own agenda, but also left the past mistakes of other interpretations in where they didn't have a clue if it suited their purpose or not.
Greek is hard, Hebrew foregetaboutit
The WBT$ GB signing Bibles for Cuban Government Officials..
They re-wrote the Bible..They should be able to sign it..
Mickey mouse
Selective attention.
I don't recall if Ray Franz tackles any part of your specific question at all, but I can answer for myself as a former dub who paid attention.
They showed that the tetragrammaton was in the Old Testament. They said that the New Testament is basically loaded with quotes/references to the OT and that the texts quoted often contain the tetragrammaton. We already learned not to question them if they offered a seemingly reasonable explanation of anything. We don't question them on "Jehovah" in the New Testament.
For a second there I was so proud ... I got 15!!
Shoot didn't see the stupid gorilla! Darn! Damn it!!!