Honey badger don't give a shit! haha....ok that has nothing to do with anything, I just wanted to throw it in there
sorry...but how do they not notice???
by oompa 26 Replies latest jw friends
They swear their bibles aren't any different. They also explain that the name Jehovah is put in where others left it out. They also use that excuse when adding other words. It's supposed to be there but someone in past bibles left it out, we just put it back in. Or they say someone else misinturpreted the verse and they corrected it.
They have an answer for everthing..it not they make one up..
Chemical Emotions
Snoozy, I love your avatar.
On a more relevant note, Jehovah doesn't like it when you question the GB. You've been marked.
Many jws are not aware of the WTS reasoning behind inserting Jehovah in the NT. Many believe that ever case is a direct quote from the OT using "Jehovah." But on careful examination of the reason hidden away in an "appendix" I realized that the WTS takes poetic license where they choose to insert that word. So many jws don't even read the study articles of the WT let alone look that deeply.
OTWO ,, Correct! I remember well, that is the exact explanation they gave us 'back in the day' (70s).
Romans 1:22-23, 25
New International Version (NIV)
22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
<< Sorry, but how do they not notice that their bible is different from ANY bible ANYONE else reads in that it has added the name jehovah to the new testament greek scriptures?? when it is not there in any ancient manuscript???? >>
In Watchtowerland, this makes the NWT better than all those "biased" translations of Christendom, whose scribes must have rigorously deleted the tetragrammaton from all the Greek manuscripts.
For all you asians. One for free!
A reply:
This person has been trying to give one away forever.
Or perhaps adding time.
I just thought the reply was funny!
PS Listening to Christmas music on KOIT FM San francisco. G'night.
OnTheWayOut, blondie, & talesin -- Yeah, that's what I remember too. They claimed that many of the OT scriptures quoted in the Greek scriptures had the name, but it was taken out by the scribes because of all the rigamarole they had to go through before they were allowed to write it. If I remember right, they had to take a bath, put on fresh clean clothes and I don't know what all before the could write it.
I've never really had a problem with it. Using the name clarified things a bit. Using "Jehovah" would help people to not mix things up and think that Baal, Molech, Ra or any other "god" might be spoken of in the passage.