Is CONSCIOUNESS a Type of Quantum Knowledge?

by D wiltshire 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gravedancer


    I acknowledge that this thread is about whether consciousness is best "described" by quantum theory. Sorry if I assumed that we would get into whether it is about god or not. It is a favorite subject for creationsits to bring up (hence my prior post).

    As far as my opinions on it go - I tend to agree with the work done on synaptic physiology to correlate how consciousness and the internal workings of synaptic formation and strengthening can potenitally creat consciousness. The stronger the synaptic cord gets the more it starts affecting/being part of what we call consciousness. Frederick Beck is a good person to search for with regard to his work on synapses and consciousness.

    With regard to physics and quantum theory and how it relates check out the work by theory of Objective Reduction from Roger Penrose but also check out the criticism thereof by Rick Grush. A web search should get this info for you.

  • butalbee

    I am awake, therefore I am conscious. Most of the time.......

  • larc


    Before you get into some kind of quantum stuff, you should read a book on brain functioning. One that explains the functions of various parts of the brain, how they are interconnected, and role of neural transmissions, brain chemistry, etc. Now where does consciouness exist in the brain? Most likely in the frontal lobes. "Quantum" has nothing to do with it.

  • gravedancer


    We cannot prove it either way at this point. The technology to prove whether quantum physics is involved in consciousness or not is still not developed fully.

  • Derrick

    In Stephen Hawking's book "A Brief History Of Time," he pondered that if we exist in perhaps hundreds or perhaps even an infinite number of parallel universes, how is it possible we are conscious in them all at the same time? This lead to the theory that other forms of intelligent life in the universe might have the capacity to experience existence in parallel universes simultaneously, whereas humans might have the limited capacity to experience consciousness in a linear manner. In other words, he surmised even though all our parallel lives are happening "at once," from our perspectives we might experience each conscious episode in each parallel universe one episode after the another in a linear manner.

    However, suppose we could inadvertently "step over" from one parallel track onto another with almost no perceivable differences? Then the "knowledge" our consciousness carries with it at the quantum level might give us a faint perception that some unknown detail has suddenly changed. Perhaps we go into the office on a Monday morning and the carpets are beige instead of blue? Yet everyone insists they were always beige for several years. Everything else appears the same. Did you step over into an almost identical, inperceivably different parallel universe -- or is your mind playing tricks on you? The same question arises with "de ja vu" where we are certain we have been somewhere we know logically we are visiting for the very first time. Perhaps in another parallel universe we were there?

    Even more remarkable to consider is that many parallel universes could be identical for all intensive purposes, except for variations at the quantum level -- so from our perspective we are repeating an episode in a parallel universe verbatim. Therefore our consciousness somehow "remembers" at the quantum level or experiences a sense of "de ja vu." In fact the place we have never been to is somehow familiar because our conscious deep down is remembering the previous episode which seemed identical.

    Stephen Hawking's books, from "A Brief History Of Time" to his other books, are brilliant and raise these paradoxes of modern physics theories on space/time and parallel universes. Another book to follow-up with is "Cosmic Wormholes" (sorry, cannot remember name of author) and "The Dreaming Universe" by Fred Alan Wolfe, PhD. You will never view reality quite the same after reading these two remarkable books which follow along the lines of Professor Hawking's theories.

    I'm also planning on reading "Black Holes, Wormholes, and the 10th Dimension" by Dr. Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City Univiversity of New York and his other book "Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universe, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension" (Oxford University).


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • jerome

    I have a theroy.

    It is that there are so many forces acting in the part of out body we our brain that it results in what we call conscience.

    These enormous amount of forces acting apon one another results in what i would describe as true randomness.[Science may never be able to perdict theoutcome of somany variables acting apon one another.]

    No one can directtly predict what an indivusial human being will do at any single moment in time.

    One can only give the most likely possible responce given the sircumstances.

    We consider many things to be random but this is only because we donot have the mathematics or all the variables nessisary to make an accurate prediction.

    It is intresting to note that even though that we differ so much as indivusials that we all seem to follow a cerain general pattern.

    And as aresult of what we put into our minds this pattern may vary
    hence indivusiality.

    Quantum mechanics is very inresting in that any thing is possible
    because there is no known way to physically carryout an experiment.

    So any result as improable as it may seem may be possible because there is no proof that it actually never happened.

    The experiment is only in our minds.

    Using quantom theroy God is as equal a possibility just as any other explaination that you may conjure.

    You cannot disprove His existence it so you would never be able to come to a conclusion.

    This is inteluctual property. copyright me

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • 2SYN

    Jerome: I'll copyright you if you run a spellchecker first!
    Larc: Consciousness (sp?) in the frontal lobes? Erm, I doubt it. It's far more likely that consciousness (there's that damn word again, very hard to spell) actually exists as a function of the cumulative brain mass, not just one particular component. Do apes (some of which have a sort of under-developed frontal lobe) have half a consciousness? How do you define consciousness? Is a person in a coma more conscious than a dog? It's a tough cookie to crack, this one! I think this is just flamebait, actually, because humans currently know virtually zip about it.

    I think one very good theory of the soul (which I personally don't believe in) is mentioned in the books of Whitley Strieber (not Communion, blah, that sucked, read Majestic - that was an incredible work).

    Larc, a question - dolphins have a very similiar amount of brain mass to what we do, and they can recognise themselves in mirrors - which means they have a sense of self-awareness, one of the big things that a conscious being is supposed to have. So are they conscious?

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

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