Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-2011 WT Study (RUN RACE)

by blondie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-2011 WT Study (SEPTEMBER 15, 2011, pages 16-20 )(RUN RACE)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

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    “Let us run with endurance

    the race that is set before us.”—HEB. 12:1.


    What the WTS leaves out is that in its history until 1935, these scriptures only applied to anointed jws (or Bible Students pre-1931). They still teach that they primarily apply to anointed members but they try to apply it now to the rank and file by association.

    Is the race set before the 1 st century Christians the same as today per WTS doctrine? The goal was everlasting life in heaven as kings and priests with Christ. No such goal for the non-anointed. But the WTS is not averse to rewriting the Bible.


    1, 2. To what did the apostle Paul compare the

    Christian life course?

    EACH year, marathons are held in many

    places. The so-called elite runners enter

    the race with one objective—to win. Most

    others who participate aim a bit lower. For

    them, just to finish the race is an accomplishment

    to be proud of.


    “so-called elite runners” = why was this derogatory phrase necessary

    So why is winning so important for some—prize money. Is it a weird idea that many athletes are paid for winning? How many hours do jws spend watching sports? Quite a few based on the areas I live and lived in.

    I know runners (“Most”) that do it to prove their personal best, not to be the first out of 1,000, but to better their time , to stretch their personal abilities, to prepare for and achieve a goal they never considered.

    2 In the Bible, the Christian life course has

    been compared to a race. The apostle Paul

    called this point to the attention of his fellow

    Christians in ancient Corinth in his first

    letter to them. He wrote: “Do you not know

    that the runners in a race all run, but only

    one receives the prize? Run in such a way

    that you may attain it.”—1 Cor. 9:24.


    So why was Paul telling Christians that there is only one prize and only one receives it? Then says they can all run and attain it. How many jws realize that the WTS teaches only anointed jws (144,000 limit) are the Christians that receive this prize?

    3. Why did Paul mention that only one runner


    3 Was Paul saying that only one of those

    Christians would gain the prize of life and all

    the rest would run in vain? Of course not!

    Runners in the competitions trained and exerted

    themselves rigorously with the goal of

    becoming the winner. Paul wanted his fellow

    Christians to exert themselves that way

    in their quest for everlasting life. Doing so,

    they could hope to gain the prize of life. Yes,

    in the Christian race, all who finish win that



    “goal of becoming THE winner” = more than one?

    Everlasting life = why no mention of this being only heavenly life and only for 144,000?

    Because the WTS says “all who finish win that prize” and that would eliminate the other sheep from gaining that prize. The other sheep don’t gain the same prize the anointed do. Where ever did Paul say there was a group of Christians that would not receive the prize of the upward call. Where are the scriptures that PROVE the WTS statements.

    *** w08 6/15 p.11 par.2***

    In contrast to the above Biblical examples, consider the positive attitude that the apostle Paul had: “I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 3:14) The Bible shows that a total of 144,000 anointed Christians, Paul included, receive that prize of heavenly life. They will share with Jesus Christ in his Millennial Reign over the earth. What a wonderful goal such ones have been invited by God to pursue! The vast majority of true Christians today, however, have a different prospect, or goal. Jehovah lovingly holds out to them what Adam and Eve lost, namely, the prospect of everlasting life in perfect health on a paradise earth.—Rev. 7:4, 9; 21:1-4.

    ***w89 4/1 p. 14 pars. 15-16 ***

    Do such experiences bring happiness? Not in themselves. But like the apostles, faithful Christians who endure trials experience a deep inner joy at having “been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of [Jesus’] name.” (Acts 5:41) And they stay happy whatever their enemies do to them because they know that the appointed time is near for their integrity to be rewarded, and the reward is truly great. Jesus said to Christians in Smyrna: “Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10) And to those in Sardis he said: “He that conquers will thus be arrayed in white outer garments; and I will by no means blot out his name from the book of life.”—Revelation 3:5.

    True, these promises apply specifically to anointed Christians, reminding them of the prize of immortal heavenly life that awaits them. But those who are of the other sheep are also strengthened by these words. Jehovah has a reward prepared for them too, provided they are zealous and endure. They have the glorious prospect of inheriting everlasting life on a paradise earth under the Kingdom in the hands of Christ. There they will find the Paradise that people of this world will fail to find.

    4. What do we need to consider regarding the race

    that is set before us?

    4 Those words are encouraging, yet sobering,

    to all who have taken up the race for life

    today. Why? Because the prize—whether life

    in heaven or life in Paradise on earth—is be-

    yond compare. True, the race is long and arduous;

    there are many obstacles, distractions,

    and dangers along the way. (Matt. 7:

    13,14) Sadly, some have slowed down, given

    out, or even fallen along the way. What pitfalls

    and dangers are there in the race for

    life? How can you avoid them? What can

    you do to finish and thus win that race?


    Prize, life in heaven …in Paradise on earth—1) where does it say that Christians would receive a reward on earth (Christians not humans) 2) where in the NWT can you find the words “paradise” and “earth” together? Do other bibles use those words together?

    Only 2 places, the introduction and a footnote in the NWT.

    ***Rbi8 p. 6


    THE Holy Bible is a written revelation from the Sovereign Lord Jehovah to all people on this earth. This inspired book has global appeal, since it contains good news of a God-designed Messianic Kingdom that will establish peace and righteousness forever on a united Paradise earth.

    Revelation 20:4***

    “Thousand years.” Gr., khi′li·ae′te, root for the English word “chiliasts,” believers in a literal thousand-year reign of Christ over mankind on a paradise earth; Lat., mil′lean′nis, “a millennium.”

    Even if all Christians from Jesus day to now were resurrected to live and rule/judge in heaven, it would still be less than all the angels in heaven (per the WTS) and much less than all the humans that have ever lived on earth.

    Fallen along the way = are no longer jws

    So if you are elderly and/or ill and “slow down” your numbers dip on the time slips are you leaving the “race”?

    Endurance Needed to Win

    5. As recorded at Hebrews 12:1, Paul made what reference

    to a race?

    5 In his letter to the Hebrew Christians in

    Jerusalem and Judea, Paul again made reference

    to features of athletic games or races.

    (Read Hebrews 12:1.) He not only called attention

    to the reason for engaging in the

    race but also pointed out what one must do

    to win. Before we examine Paul’s inspired

    advice to the Hebrew Christians to see what

    lessons there are for us, let us consider

    what prompted Paul to write the letter and

    what he was trying to encourage his readers

    to do.


    Did 1 st century Christians have to be baptized to get holy spirit? What about Cornelius and his household? Did they become known as Jehovah’s witnesses? Or were they named as witnesses of Jesus starting wiith the words of Jesus in Acts 1:8?

    but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de′a and Sa·mar′i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.”

    The disciples were witnesses of CHRIST and His resurrection, not of Jehovah.

    Acts 2:32 "This Jesus God raised up again, to which WE ARE ALL WITNESSES."

    Acts 3:15 "Jesus was the one "whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which WE ARE WITNESSES."

    Acts 4:33 "And with great power THE APOSTLES WERE GIVEN WITNESS to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all."

    Acts 13:30, 31 "But God raised Him from the dead; and for many days He appeared to those who came up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem, THE VERY ONES WHO ARE NOW HIS WITNESSES to the people."

    6. Christians were under what pressure from religious


    6 The first-century Christians, especially

    those living in Jerusalem and Judea, were

    facing many trials and hardships. They were

    under great pressure from the Jewish religious

    leaders, who still wielded powerful influence

    over the people. Earlier, these leaders

    had succeeded in having Jesus Christ

    condemned as a seditionist and killed as a

    criminal. And they were not about to stop

    their opposition. In the book of Acts, we

    read one account after another of their

    threats and attacks against Christians, starting

    almost immediately after the miraculous

    events at Pentecost 33 C.E. This certainly

    made life difficult for the faithful ones.

    —Acts 4:1-3; 5:17, 18; 6:8-12; 7:59; 8:1, 3.


    So what religious leaders are jws under great pressure from….without Rutherford and his tactics that whipped up persecution, when was the last time someone in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, could not go door to door?

    I remember a woman who studied with an elder’s wife who told this woman that her family would oppose her. This woman started viewing them all as enemies and was curt and abusive. Her husband made supper 2 nights a week so she could go to her meetings, and made breakfast on Sunday. They only had one car so he stayed home or got a ride with friends so she could use the car. He paid all her expenses to the conventions/assemblies.. The woman was confused, where was the persecution, did this mean that God was not blessing her. Her family and friends just showed love. Her husband asked if she felt Timothy’s Greek non-Christian father persecuted his family? She had to admit he had not and viewed her husband in a better light, as a loving friend not the enemy and stopped her study. Would that more jw studies saw the light.

    7. What critical times were upon Christians to

    whom Paul wrote?

    7 Those Christians were also living in the

    period just before the end of the Jewish system of

    things. Jesus had told them about the

    destruction to come upon the unfaithful

    Jewish nation. He had also told his followers

    about events that would take place just prior

    to the end, giving them specific instructions

    on what action to take to survive.

    (Read Luke 21:20-22.) What, then, would

    they do? Jesus warned: “Pay attention to

    yourselves that your hearts never become

    weighed down with overeating and heavy

    drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly

    that day be instantly upon you.”—Luke



    Did Jesus give them a date as the WTS citing 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, (1984), (1994) only to end their doctrine of some of the generation alive in 1914 having to be alive when the end comes.

    Jesus told Christians to go to a specific physical location. Does the WTS?

    (Matthew 24:15-22) 15 “Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Ju·de′a begin fleeing to the mountains. 17 Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house; 18 and let the man in the field not return to the house to pick up his outer garment. 19 Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days! 20 Keep praying that YOUR flight may not occur in wintertime, nor on the sabbath day; 21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

    How does the WTS apply this?

    ***w09 5/15 p. 8 Where Should You Be When the End Comes? *** “Enter Into Your Interior Rooms”

    “Go, my people, enter into your interior rooms, and shut your doors behind you,” states Isaiah 26:20. “Hide yourself for but a moment until the denunciation passes over.” This prophecy may have had its first fulfillment in 539 B.C.E. when the Medes and the Persians conquered Babylon. Upon entering Babylon, Cyrus the Persian apparently commanded everyone to stay indoors because his soldiers were ordered to execute any found out-of-doors.

    In our day, the “interior rooms” of this prophecy could be closely associated with the more than 100,000 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. Such congregations play an important role in our lives. They will continue to do so through “the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:14) God’s people are commanded to go into their “interior rooms” and hide themselves “until the denunciation passes over.” It is vital that we develop and maintain a wholesome attitude toward the congregation and be firmly resolved to stay in close association with it. We can take to heart Paul’s exhortation: “Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as [we] behold the day drawing near.”—Heb. 10:24, 25.

    8. What might have caused some Christians to slow

    down or give out?

    8 At the time Paul wrote his letter to the

    Hebrews, nearly 30 years had passed since Jesus

    gave that warning. How did the passage

    of time affect those Christians? Some succumbed

    to the pressures and distractions of

    daily life and failed to make the spiritual

    advancement that would have fortified

    them. (Heb. 5:11-14) Others apparently felt

    that life would be so much easier if they

    just went along with the majority of Jews

    around them. Those Jews, after all, had not

    completely abandoned God; they were still

    following his Law to some extent. Other

    Christians were persuaded or intimidated by

    individuals in the congregation who clamored

    for sticking to the Mosaic Law and tradition.

    What might Paul say that would help

    his Christian brothers to keep spiritually

    alert and endure in the race?


    How many years have passed since the WTS has said Jesus appeared or was present invisibly. If you choose the first date of 1874, it was been 137 years, if the revised date 1914 is used, 97 years; for the 1 st century Christians from 33 to 70 CE, 37 years

    What part of daily life is not necessary then? Was spiritual advancement attending all the meetings (BTW how many mandated meetings were there?) or turning in a time slip (what were the hourly goals for 1 st century Christians) and what publications did they “place” scrolls?

    How many Mosaic laws do jws follow through direct and indirect application? Do jws really know the scriptural basis if there is any. And if there is none except the WESAYSO verses of Matthew 24:45-47, do they still OBEY the WTS rather than God (Acts 5:29)?

    9, 10. (a) Toward the end of Hebrews chapter 10,

    we read what encouragement by Paul? (b) Why did

    Paul write about the faithful acts of ancient witnesses?

    9 It is interesting to observe the way Paul,

    under divine inspiration, sought to strengthen

    the Hebrew Christians. In chapter 10 of

    his letter, Paul pointed out that the Law was

    but “a shadow of the good things to come”

    and clearly demonstrated the value of the

    ransom sacrifice of Christ. Toward the end of

    that chapter, Paul admonished his readers:

    “You have need of endurance, in order that,

    after you have done the will of God, you

    may receive the fulfillment of the promise.

    For yet ‘a very little while,’ and ‘he who is

    coming will arrive and will not delay.’”

    —Heb. 10:1, 36, 37.


    So if the Law is but a shadow and it was nailed to the torture stake as the WTS teaches, why does the WTS reach into the OT bag to support its traditions and rules (for order only).

    What arrival or “coming” was that? The destruction of the Jewish religion (WTS) in 70 C.E.? 1878 as the WTS originally said was the date of the beginning of Jesus’ kingship in heaven? Or 1914. or the beginning of the GT which the WTS taught started in 1914 and was put in abeyance in 1918 to start up again at a later date. They changed that teaching in 1970. They also said that this scripture below was fulfilled in 1919 then changed it again a few years ago as yet to be fulfilled.

    Matthew 24:15

    "So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand--

    10 In Hebrews chapter 11, Paul skillfully

    explains what true faith in God is. And he illustrates

    it by historical examples of men

    and women of faith. Was that an unnecessary

    digression? Not at all. The apostle knew

    that his fellow worshippers needed to realize

    that faith called for courageous action

    and endurance. The sterling example set by

    those ancient faithful servants of Jehovah

    would strengthen the Hebrews to deal with

    the trials and hardships they faced. Thus, after

    enumerating the acts of faith of those

    loyal ones in the past, Paul could say: “Because

    we have so great a cloud of witnesses

    surrounding us, let us also put off every

    weight and the sin that easily entangles us,

    and let us run with endurance the race that

    is set before us.”—Heb. 12:1.


    Paul used the example of Jews because he was talking to Jewish Christians, What would he have used if he was talking to Gentile Christians?

    What does the WTS teach is “the sin that easily entangles us”? Lack of faith, but lack of faith in God, Jesus, or rather the WTS?

    *** w73 3/1 pp. 143-144 pars.12-13***

    Why would such attitude be wrong? And why would it be equally wrong to appear to listen merely because we know we ought to respect the one talking to us, and even agree verbally, but actually letting the counsel go ‘in one ear and out the other’? Because, although there are some things the congregation cannot command, they are things for the welfare of the entire congregation, including you, for your welfare is tied up with the congregation, if you want years of life and peace added to you.

    Actually, what would a person be doing if he displayed the above-described attitude? He would be saying, in effect, that God is not directing his congregation, that He is not teaching us the right way through his organization. It is showing lack of faith. Do any of us really want to say that? He should seriously consider the apostle’s words at Hebrews 3:16-19; 4:11-13; 12:1.

    “A Cloud of Witnesses”

    11. Thinking of the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ can

    have what effect on us?

    11 The ‘great cloud of witnesses’ were no

    mere spectators or bystanders, as it were,

    who were there only to watch the race or to

    see their favorite athlete or team win. Rather,

    they were participants, like runners in a

    race. And they had successfully run the race

    and finished it. Though now deceased, they

    could be thought of as seasoned runners

    who could encourage newer runners in the

    race. Imagine how a contestant would feel if

    he knew that surrounding, or watching, him

    were some of the most accomplished runners.

    Would he not be moved to do his best

    or even to outdo himself? Those witnesses of

    old could testify that such a figurative race,

    no matter how strenuous, can be won. Thus,

    by keeping closely in mind the example of

    the “cloud of witnesses,” the first-century

    Hebrew Christians could draw courage and

    ‘run the race with endurance’—as can we today.


    Jehovah’s Witness bystander

    Moved to do his best – per the judgment of the WTS?

    Outdo himself – so when is it too much?

    Should all jws then be regular or special pioneers putting in 70 to 120 hours a month, with placement and bible study quotas?

    Why are jws today not looking at the examples of Christians. There might have been few known examples in the first century, but what about now? Christians ran for 37 years; Bible students/jws have been running since 1879—132 years with no end in sight.

    12. How are the examples Paul cited relevant to us?

    12 Many of the faithful ones whom Paul

    mentioned had circumstances similar to

    ours. For example, Noah was living when

    the pre-Flood world was ending. We are living

    near the end of the present system

    of things. Abraham and Sarah were called

    upon to leave behind their homeland to pursue

    true worship and await the fulfillment of

    Jehovah’s promise. We are urged to disown

    ourselves and gain Jehovah’s approval and

    the blessings he holds out for us. Moses journeyed

    through a fearsome wilderness, heading

    for the Promised Land. We are on a

    course through this dying system of things,

    heading toward the promised new world.

    What these men went through, their successes

    and failures, as well as their strengths

    and weaknesses, is truly worthy of our consideration.—

    Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11.


    Noah = had only 120 years at most to wait and what “promised new world” did he go into

    Moses = waited at most 80 years, and according to God eliminated himself from the group going into the Promised Land…he did not go into the “promised new world.”

    And remember, the WTS teaches that only baptized jws will go into that “promised new world.” That the rest of the human race alive today, 7 billion, men, women AND children are SOON to be destroyed forever.

    They Succeeded—How?

    13. Noah faced what challenges, and what enabled

    him to overcome them?

    13 What enabled these servants of Jehovah

    to endure and succeed in the race? Note

    what Paul wrote about Noah. (Read Hebrews

    11:7.) “The deluge of waters upon the

    earth [that would] bring to ruin all flesh”

    was something that Noah had “not yet beheld.”

    (Gen. 6:17) It was something that had

    never taken place before, something totally

    unprecedented. Still, Noah did not dismiss

    it as impossible or even improbable. Why?

    Because he had faith that whatever Jehovah

    said, Jehovah would do. Noah did not feel

    that what he was asked to do was too difficult.

    Rather, “he did just so.” (Gen. 6:22)

    Considering all that Noah had to do—building

    the ark, gathering the animals, stocking

    the ark with food for humans and animals,

    preaching a warning message, and keeping

    his family spiritually strong—it was no small

    task to do “just so.” Yet, Noah’s faith and endurance

    resulted in life and blessings for

    him and for his family.


    Servants of Jehovah or Christians/witnesses of Jesus per the bible

    Do you ever why the WTS uses brackets []? Does it clarify anything?

    Is the WTS saying the jws today consider the WTS prophecies “impossible or even improbable.” That they don’t have faith in the WTS and its innumerable failed predictions?

    How many people did Noah preach to….did he give an individual witness knowing they were going to be destroyed forever?

    14. What trials did Abraham and Sarah endure, providing

    what lesson for us?

    14 Abraham and Sarah come next in Paul’s

    list of the “cloud of witnesses surrounding

    us.” They were uprooted from their normal

    life in Ur, and their future appeared uncertain.

    They proved to be examples of

    unwavering faith and obedience in trying

    times. In conjunction with all the sacrifices

    that Abraham was willing to make for true

    worship, he was fittingly called “the father

    of all those having faith.” (Rom. 4:11) Paul

    touched only on the high points, his readers

    being well-acquainted with the details of

    Abraham’s life. Nonetheless, the lesson Paul

    drew is powerful: “In faith all these [including

    Abraham and his family] died, although

    they did not get the fulfillment of the promises,

    but they saw them afar off and welcomed

    them and publicly declared that

    they were strangers and temporary residents

    in the land.” (Heb. 11:13) Clearly, their faith

    in God and their personal relationship with

    him helped them run the race with endurance.


    Abraham was not a poor man, they did not live in Coleman tents, they had hundreds of slaves who did their work for them. Notice that God did not promise Abraham that the fulfillment of his promise would come in his lifetime, like thousands, millions of jws have hoped and continue to hope?

    So what kind of personal relationship did Abraham have with Jesus? By using OT examples, the WTS shuts Jesus out of the equation.

    15. What motivated Moses to live as he did?

    15 Moses is another exemplary servant of

    Jehovah among the “cloud of witnesses.”

    Moses left behind a prosperous, privileged

    life, “choosing to be ill-treated with the people

    of God.” What motivated him to do so?

    Paul answered: “He looked intently toward

    the payment of the reward. . . . He continued

    steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible.”

    (Read Hebrews 11:24-27.) Moses was not

    distracted by “the temporary enjoyment of

    sin.” God and his promises were so real to

    Moses that he demonstrated extraordinary

    courage and endurance. He exerted himself

    untiringly in leading the Israelites out of

    Egypt to the Promised Land.


    Moses left behind a prosperous, privileged life with Egyptians. But what kind of life did he have as a leader of the Jews, a people who the Egyptians and given much wealth to just before the Jews left Egypt. So what sin had Moses enjoyed….? His wife was not Israelite. His father had married his aunt (no law yet). And Moses sinned to the point of not being able to go into the promised land, so he lost it anyway although leaving the Egyptians.

    16. Why did Moses not become despondent when

    he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land?

    16 Like Abraham, Moses did not experience

    the fulfillment of God’s promise in his

    lifetime. With the Israelites poised to enter

    the Promised Land, Moses was told: “From a

    distance you will see the land, but you will

    not go there into the land that I am giving to

    the sons of Israel.” This was because earlier

    he and Aaron, exasperated by the people’s

    rebelliousness, “acted undutifully toward

    [God] in the middle of the sons of Israel at

    the waters of Meribah.” (Deut. 32:51, 52)

    Did Moses become despondent or resentful?

    No. He pronounced a blessing on the

    people and concluded with these words:

    “Happy you are, O Israel! Who is there like

    you, a people enjoying salvation in Jehovah,

    the shield of your help, and the One who is

    your eminent sword?”—Deut. 33:29.


    Moses did not experience the fulfillment, but he saw the promised land from a distance. How many of the jws that have died had that experience and how many living today have any expectation?

    [God]????why necessary

    If Moses had not experienced some sadness, I would think he lacked emotional balance.

    Abraham and Sarah were willing to leave behind the comforts of Ur (remember Abraham’s wealth, his comforts in non-Coleman tents, and had many servants/slaves to do the work.

    Lessons for Us

    17, 18. (a) As to our race for life, what can we learn

    from the “cloud of witnesses”? (b) What will be

    considered in the following article?

    17 From our review of the life of some of

    those who make up the “cloud of witnesses

    surrounding us,” it is clear that for us to run

    the race to the finish, we must have implicit

    faith in God and his promises. (Heb. 11:6)

    Faith cannot be just at the corners of our life;

    it needs to be at the center of it. Unlike those

    without faith, Jehovah’s servants can see

    beyond the present. We are able to see

    “the One who is invisible” and thus run

    the race with endurance.—2 Cor. 5:7.


    Implicit faith in God or the WTS? God’s promises of WTS promises?

    What have jws been encouraged to see beyond the present…that the end would come in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, 1984, 1994. None have seen it even from afar as Moses did.

    18 The Christian race is not easy. None the

    less, it is possible for us to finish the race successfully.

    In the following article, we will

    consider what further help we have available.


    After talking through the whole article about non-Christians, the WTS flips back to Christ, a footnote in their religious play, a tool used by God, not a loving spiritual brother.

    Can You Explain?

    Why did Paul write at length about

    the ancient faithful witnesses?

    How can envisioning the “cloud of

    witnesses surrounding us” encourage

    us to run with endurance?

    What have you learned from considering

    such faithful witnesses as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and




    The finish line is just ahead.What a pity

    it would be if we allowed ourselves to be

    burdened down with unnecessary weights

    that could impede us when we are so close

    to the end! (132 years of running)

    The guarantee that you will never die is no longer on the table. I just had 2 family members die, both believed that the end would come before that. What a joke on them.

    Love, Blondie


    Good Morning Blondie!..

    Who ever wrote that wasn`t a runner..

    You have a better grasp than the Clown who wrote the article..

    Watching JW`s going from door to door,doing the Dub Shuffle..

    Makes you want to poke them with a stick to see if they`re still alive..

    There is no rush,there is no winner..

    Just JW`s putting in their time,wishing they were somewhere else..


  • Sapphy

    Thanks Blondie.

    That concept of 'by assocation' or 'by extension' is a real thought blocker.

    The preaching commission applies to the other sheep 'by extension'.

    The prohibition on blood applies to the other sheep 'by extension' even though literal Israel could sell an unbled animal to an 'alien resident' without sin...

    It's so stupid. If I associate with a bunch of millionaires who have to pay 50% tax, as a poor person I don't become liable for their tax rate by association simply because I go to the same church with them.

  • Ucantnome

    if one were running a in race and had a great cloud of witnesses I would think that they were spectators and witnessed the race.

  • therevealer

    So Blondie - Think this will show up at a circuit assembly near you as an upbuilding experience, LOL

    I remember a woman who studied with an elder's wife who told this woman that her family would oppose her. This woman started viewing them all as enemies and was curt and abusive. Her husband made supper 2 nights a week so she could go to her meetings, and made breakfast on Sunday. They only had one car so he stayed home or got a ride with friends so she could use the car. He paid all her expenses to the conventions/assemblies.. The woman was confused, where was the persecution, did this mean that God was not blessing her. Her family and friends just showed love. Her husband asked if she felt Timothy's Greek non-Christian father persecuted his family? She had to admit he had not and viewed her husband in a better light, as a loving friend not the enemy and stopped her study. Would that more jw studies saw the light.

    seems it would be more honest than most that they use now.

  • MrMonroe

    Thanks, Blondie.

    Sadly, some have slowed down, given out, or even fallen along the way.

    I left the religion afer 22 years in it, but I certainly don't see it as "falling" or "giving out". I came to the realisation that witnessing was a futile exercise that was dragging me down and taking up too much of my time for the benefit of no one, so I stopped. I also awoke to the lies of the religion and discovered the promises of a new world, the threat of Armageddon and the claim that the JWs were God's organisation were all a hollow shell, supported by nothing. I also realised that I liked very few of the people I was mixing with.

    Leaving the JWs was one of the best decisions of my life. I didn't give out or fall. I woke up and reclaimed my life.

  • Intel


    It's nothing more than "putting in time", punching the big "celestial" clock to get "your paycheck". Check out this picture of a special pioneer, boosting about his 200.000 hours (literally!):

    Good Job Blondie! Keep up girl.

  • AvocadoJake

    Blondie I was praying you would post your comments, I will slowly enjoy reading this before bedtime tonight. I loved last weeks comments, If only we could speak with freedom, the truth at meeting. Your hard work is always appreciated, and I love it! Peace my Sister!


    The WBT$ Writing Department

    What do JW`s know about running?..

    I`ll make something up..Who`s gonna notice?..


  • flipper

    " We are living near the END of this present system of things. "

    " We are on a course through this dying system of things, heading toward the promised new world. "

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