Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-2011 WT Study (RUN RACE)

by blondie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    Good review of the Watchtower.

    The conductor of the Watchtower Sunday made the comment at paragraph 4. about how," just like we make our advancement manifest,we also show when we are on our way out. The congregation can tell when one is tiring out. It's sad really."

    I don't know if he was referring to me,it could have been a few people in the audience. But,I thought if it's really sad that someone is on their way out,why no phone calls,no cards,no voicing of their concern. They show they don't really care at all.

  • Quarterback

    Good points Blondie. You made me think in a way that never came to mind while I attended this WT study at our meeting. I have been running with this stuff for over 50 years. That's the crazy race that I've been in.

  • WTWizard

    This whole article is a great big waste of paper. Comparing it to a race? Usually, a race has a finish line. Changing the finish line is as much cheating as it would be for me to take a car to drive to the finish line in a real marathon. Once I reach the finish line, they are cheating if they move it farther ahead. And they moved the finish line ahead so many times--1874 was the original finish line, and if they can push that further ahead and get away with it, then I should be able to drive a car instead of running in the race.

    What this does is prepares people to run a 100 meter sprint instead of a race that is going to last their whole lives. Real long distance runners and racers know when to slow down during long races. You look at a marathon--even the best runners have been known to slow down, even walking at times, and take quick breaks when needed. You cannot do that with a short sprint, because you would quickly lose the race before you regained speed. If you try to sprint the whole marathon, you are going to bonk. If you slow down to a sustainable pace so you can finish, the witlesses ridicule you for "slowing down".

    And for what? The witlesses run an endless "race", with no real prize. The whole "everlasting life" prize is nothing more than a scam. It takes them away from real life. Most witlesses that stay active until the end have virtually no life outside the religion. They live miserable lives, they know nothing about anything except the religion, and they do nothing worthwhile. They end up getting old and stagnant, destitute, and often before their time. In the end, they are accused of "slowing down" when they are capable of going no farther. Some prize that is.

  • punkofnice

    WTWizard -

    Once I reach the finish line, they are cheating if they move it farther ahead.

    Yes. True. They now have an 'overlapping' finishing infinity and beyond!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Par 4: "True, the race is long and arduous; th ere are many obstacles, distractions, and dangers along the way."

    The WTBTS brings all these troubles upon itself and the R & F! Everything is self-inflicted. So, WTBTS, quit your bitching!

    Thank you Blondie for the research.

  • ziddina

    Thank you, Blondie, for posting this!!

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