JWs are the Modern Day Pharisees

by ilikecheese 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ilikecheese

    I've been reading the gospel of Matthew a bit lately, and it kind of strikes me how much the Pharisees seem to resemble the JWs. I'm SURE this topic has come up several times before, but I've been thinking about suggesting this topic to my JW boyfriend to see what happens...

    Probably nothing good. I'm up for a good whiny argument.

    Seriously, though, I was especially moved by Matthew 15 and the manmade doctrine deal/the blind leading the blind, etc.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Considering that christianity was hijacked by an ex pharasee named Saul, i/m not surprised.

    I consider him to be a criminal.


  • designs

    Pick another Villian to compare the Watchtower to. The Pharisees were not what the Gospels say they were. The Gospels lied.

  • finallysomepride


    yet another made up story by the romans

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I came to the same conclusion (elders = pharisees) when we were studying the Greatest Man book for the upteenth time.

  • truth_b_known

    I, too, came to a similar conclusion. I based this on how the evil empire portrayed the pharisees in it's publications. Like the gospel accounts, I used to think that the true christian religion would come out of the organization. I believed that Jesus would do something that would cause those in the evil empire who had the mind of Christ to leave and create a new group.

    Like the pharisees, the evil empire and it's appointed agents are totally consumed with enforcing man made rules and organizational policies. As such, there is no emphasis on developing the love Jesus displayed. It's more important to attend meetings, put in time in the ministry, and find fault in everything people take joy in.

  • TweetieBird

    When we studied the Greatest Man book back in 1997, I came to the same conclusion...this was the beginning of my exodus.

  • designs


    You wouldn't know a Pharisee if one came up to you and offered you a glass of water. Pick another group there are lots of legit Bandits to choose from.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Pharisees to the core. They persecuted and executed Christians believing they were doing God's will just like the Company persecutes, drives its members to suicide, slaughters their own babies on the altar of Baal by denying them blood transfusions. Both groups prevent, or attempt to prevent, man from entering heaven just as Christ claimed. New Testament similarities are striking.


  • designs


    You ol scholar you, take a Pharisee to Lunch you'll feel better.

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