You guys crack me up....Have you ever stopped and thought that what the JW's taught you about the Jews might not have been correct?
There were two competing factions of Phariseeim in Jesus' day.
In rabbinic literature, these were known as Bet Hillel and Bet Shammai: The story goes like this:
A Gentile came to Shammai with the strange request that he be taught the entire Torah, but that it be done during the time he could stand on one foot. Shammai, a surveyor by trade, chased him away, swinging a cubit stick. When this Gentile approached Hillel with the same request, instead of being scolded for such an impudent demand, he was told, "What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. This is the entire Torah. All the rest is commentary — now go and study."
Do Rabbi Hillel's comments sound the least bit familiar? Do they sound just a little teny, tiny bit like Jesus' statement at Matthew 7:12 and Paul’s "summary" in Galatians 5:14?
Hillel's negative formulation of Jesus' Golden Rule is sometimes referred to as the "Silver Rule". It, in turn, is derived from an even earlier Jewish tradition: "Do to no one what you would not want done to you." (Tobit 4:15)
The school of Shammai died out around the time Jerusalem was destroyed. The kinder approach to the Law as taught by the disciples of Hillel and Jesus became normative Judaism today.
I suppose for someone who got their religious instruction from Jehovah's Witnesses, it would be easy to read the controversy stories of Matthew and miss the evidence that this was essentially a family quarrel:
The Pharisees were forbidden to eat with anyone who was not a Pharisee. (cf. Berakot 43b) Yet they invite Jesus to meals on multiple occasions (Luke 7:36; 11:37; 14:1)
Ritualistic hand washing was only an issue if you were a Pharisee. Yet it becomes an issue for Jesus. (Mark 7)
It was the Pharisees who warn Jesus of Herod's intent to kill him (Luke 13:31 cf. Acts 5:34)
In the early years of Christianity, the boundary between Christian and Pharisee was semi-permeable. (Acts 15:5) Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, who become followers of Jesus, were almost certainly Pharisees and a number of other early converts to Christianity were definitely Pharisees. (John 3:1; 7:50;: 19:38,39)
Gamaliel of the Bible, who urges leniency in dealing with the early Christians (Acts 5:34-40) was the grandson of Hillel himself. You will not find a more influential Pharisee in the entire Bible. And he is simply not the murderous thug that Fundies make the Pharisees out to be.