I've always been curious as to the reasons why only "the anointed" were permitted to partake of the emblems at the Memorial. We all know that the WTBTS says the "other sheep" are the non-anointed Christians who merely observe the Memorial (by the way, by "other sheep" Jesus was talking about the Gentiles that would become part of the New Covenant; he wasn't referring to some strange class of non-anointed Christians). They've often compared the situation to the foreigners in the congregation of Israel who were not permitted to observe the Passover (see Exodus 12:38, 43 -- they draw this correlation because the Memorial is the replacement for the Passover observance). HOWEVER, what we were taught by the Governing Body is severely skewed, and incomplete. Look at Exodus 12:48 (and Numbers 9:14) and you will discover that foreigners WERE permitted to observe the Passover PROVIDED they underwent initiation (i.e., circumcision) to become FULL members under the Covenant. Exodus 12:49 (NIV) states: "The SAME law applies to the native-born and to the alien living among you." (see also Leviticus 19:33, 34) Obviously, then, the Covenantr relationship in the nation of Israel was open to ALL who desired to abide by its principles and laws, whether natural Israelite or not. SO if the Old Covenant was a pattern, is it not reasonable to conclude that we "alien residents" of the "vast mixed company" class (I really hate that word; compare James 2:4) also are FULL members of the New Covenant, and therefore should partake of the emblems? YES!! And what is OUR initiation into the New Covenant? Baptism.
Partaking of the emblems
by pralis 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm not positive I would havee to ask but I think it has to do with (partaking of the emblems) Heavenly class can consist of Jew or Gentile(Gentile meaning anyone who is not a Jew)
I'm not sure if thats what your getting at I just took a shot.
plm -
Hi puzzled.
I'm sure that's also one of the ways the GB would interpret the matter. However, that there is an Earthly class and a Heavenly class does not hold up to Scriptural scrutiny. In other words, there's no such thing. And the major source of the WTBTS teaching on two separate classes is their interpretation of the Book of Revelation, along with other verses of scipture here and there thrown about as if the Bible were a recipe book. Further, I'm astonished that the writings of the Greek Scriptures are considered inspired and self-validating. They aren't. Jesus himself CONSTANTLY called people's minds back to the Prophets in order to show that their writings foretold his coming as Messiah. In other words, he promoted seeking the Hebrew Scriptures to validate any claims made in regards to the Messiah. Further, the Bereans examined the Scriptures (i.e., Hebrew Scriptures) in order to determine whether the things Paul said held up to srutiny. Is that not also our responsibility before God, to seek the evidence in the Hebrew Scriptures to see if what we are being taught holds up to prophetic scrutiny? Yes. This also pertains to Paul's letters, and all that is contained in the writings of the Greek Scriptures.
As regards the GB interpretation of Revelation, they themselves wrote in the very beginning of the "Revelation Book" that they are not infallible. In other words, their interpretations could very well be wrong. It's a dangerous position they put themselves in. Here's an example: one of the reasons why we don't subscribe to the formulation of the teaching of the trinity is because it is not explicitly taught in Scripture. People use spatterings of verses which may perhaps only HINT at a possible support for their assertions about the trinity. What IS explicitly taught is that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God. However, this same "scripture recipe" argument also rules out the WTBTS doctrine of the anointed class of Christians. There is no explicit teaching in Scripture which reveals this teaching as true. Actually there's more support for a trinty doctrine than there is for some anointed class.
Consider this: the only way to become one of God's people in the ancient nation of Israel was to become circumcised and become a dedicated adherent of the law. If you were an alien RESIDENT in Israel without having been circumcised, you were simply NOT one of God's people and did not have access to the full benefits of the Law, such as the privilege of observing the Passover. This was reserved only for God's people, the circumcised adherents to the Law Covenant.
The New Covenant came, nullifying the Old via the sacrifice of Christ. He instituted the Memorial as the "Passover" celebration of the New Covenant. Never did he say there were those who were NOT to partake of the emblems (even the "other sheep"). Like those who became God's people in the Old Covenant, so we who are God's people in the New Covenant are to partake of the emblems as a sign of our committment to the New Covenant in Christ.
And we are still God's people, His Israel. Although we have no dedicated territory, we are still His nation. The only change is a change in covenants (see Romans 9:6-8 and compare Hosea 2:23, Isaiah 55:5, 56:3, 6-8). Where the Old Covenant did not fully provide for the forgiveness of sins, the New Covenant now does through Christ's perfect ransom sacrifice. We who seek such forgiveness and become God's people are welcomed into this New Covenant. Therefore ALL those who are baptised and seek forgiveness of sins through the New Covenant arrangement should partake of the emblems at the Memorial celebration.
Little children are seldom held responsible for improper usage of things till they are of age and maturity to understand. It is much like this with the so called "emblems".
When fully understood and made aware of the implications and what this really represents it becomes another mater entirley. It is wrote that those who are not truly called to be Anointed will be made sick! And if they persist in eating and drinking they become sicker and some may even die!
It is really very simple to recognize who has the calling of the Anointing and those that don't. The WTBTS and their GB may have recognized the first fruits, but they have trampled the "harvest" in doing so.
But it is all only a test of every ones integrity to our Father, and NOT to any corporation of man. The Saints don't need corporations or lands, just enough food for them and their families, a place to live, and clothes to wear. In otherwords the basics of life in comparison to their surroundings. What they can give in return for being cared for this way is their ability to render true justice and knowledge. It takes many sacrifices to aquire all that is needed to become Chosen, and not just "called"!
I'm getting a headache.
Why don't you try something radical this year? Attend the memorial and instead of looking around for something to criticize, why don't you do some listening to the talk?
Henry I listened to the talk and got sick - then the cheap wine and nasty crackers made my stomach worse. No thanks, I'll pass this year!
I'm no longer a JW and a don't believe in the two-class system anymore. If I did believe in a two-class system, I would hold to the original belief of Charles T. Russell, that the earthly class will not be manifest until after Armageddon, and that the purpose of this Gospel Age is to select the little flock. In other words, the heavenly hope would be the only one now available, but there will be worldly people who will survive Armageddon and be offered the opportunity to live forever on earth at that time. What the WT has done with its understanding of the "great crowd" is to run ahead of God's timetable before a real change of dispensations has occurred. Like I said, I do not really believe in two classes, but if I did this is the view I would hold.
Now about the WT's refusal to allow the "other sheep" to partake, the following are the reasons given:
1. Partakers must be in the covenant for the kingdom. When he instituted the Memorial Supper, Jesus said to his apostles: "However, you are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel." (Luke 22:28-30) To the WT, this means that only people who are going to rule with Jesus in the Kingdom may patake of the emblems. (As far as eating and drinking in a spiritual, heavenly kingdom is concerned, we'll leave for the WT to explain.)
2. Partakers must be in the New Covenant. Jesus said that the wine "means my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins." (Matt. 26:28) Just as the old Law Covenant was made with natural Israel, so the New Covenant is made with spiritual Israel. Other sheep may receive the forgiveness of sins through Jesus' blood, but for them the blood does not seal a covenant between them and God. What are the terms of the New Covenant? This does not seem to be specifically stated anywhere in the Bible, so the WT uses the terms of the Old Covenant to typify the terms of the New. Jehovah told the Israelites that, if they would obey the Law, "you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." (Ex. 19:6) These words are quoted by Peter and applied to anointed Christians. (1 Pet. 2:9) These ones will become the kingdom of priests (or reign as kings and priests), unlike natural Israel which missed its opportunity. (Rev. 5:10) Consequently, as parties of the New Covenant, only they are allowed to partake of the emblems. (How there can be a strict analogy between the Old Covenant and the New - the old being a Law covenant and the New a grace covenant - we'll leave for the WT to explain.)
Now these are the WT's arguments, not mine. This may be contrasted with the Laymens Home Missionary Movement, one of the splinter groups that left the WT after Rutherford became president. This group also has an earthly class, and their anointed ones died off years ago. The earthly members are allowed to partake of the Memorial on the basis that, even though certain aspects of the Memorial do not apply to them, at least they are benefiting from the ransom sacrifice. You may check their website at http://www.biblestandard.com - look under "Questions and Answers" and then look for a question which asks something like "Memorial - Who May Partake."
I personally think that the WT, despite its scriptural argumentation, wants to make a distinction between the two classes at the Memorial to keep track of statistics - to always be able to show statistically that the numbers of the remnant are decreasing in comparison to the increase of the "great crowd." There may be more to it than that, but enough said already!
Hi Justin.
Thanks for those insights.
It's interesting you mentioned the Laymens Home Missionary Movement. That they permit their earthly class to partake of the emblems so as to at least receive the benefits of the ransom seems to have a very Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox flavor (i.e., that the bread and wine somehow truly impart the benefits of the ransom).
I also don't buy the WT arguments as to why the "other sheep" shouldn't partake of the emblems (especially since in the Old Covenant foreigners who became circumcised and gave their oath to obey the Law were considered Israelites, just as much as the fleshly descendants of Isaac...see my notes above). And yes, it does appear that for some reason the GB/WTBTS has this compulsion to promote this "elitist" doctrine, especially when Paul said there is neither Jew nor Greek, freeman nor slave, etc etc.
As for what the truth is . . . well, suffice it to say I'm sure Jesus would tell us it's so much simpler than what so many churches try to push. Immortal soul, going to heaven, slave class/heavenly class, rapture, hellfire, millennium, born again, bla bla bla. As for me, I keep it simple: follow Christ's explicit teachings, continue in love, and wait for him. Plain and simple. Oh, and of course encourage and invite others to do the same. A lot of it has to do with me being convinced to stop worrying about details I needn't be worried about, and let Jehovah take charge of matters. He knows better anyway.
I suppose that's what faith is.
They never bring enough wine for everyone,much less a good party.The buffette table sucks.Crackers ,yum yum.Wheres the cheese,pickles and deli meat.Think I`ll whoop it up some place else..LOL...OUTLAW