Partaking of the emblems

by pralis 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 144thousand_and_one

    I'm one of the annointed, and I'm pissed off at the congregation for serving me cheap wine and crackers without cheese. This year, I'm gonna sneak in a 40 ouncer of my Old English 800, swag it in the toilet, and invite the hot sisters upstairs for a little fornication and pornea. While the Jdubs are passing the brew, I'll be fondling the crew! Whoo ya!

  • New Eyes
    New Eyes

    The 144,000 are going to heaven--------to go to heaven you MUST eat his flesh and drink his blood, but the slaves must NEVER eat and NEVER go to haven hummmmmmmm......I see, I can't go I never ate.

  • ElijahTheThird

    ,,, do you people ever even bother to reason on all these things, and the why's of it all,,,, obviously not,,, hangs head in shame ! !

    Sometimes it is a shame to be human when compared to some of our race!


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