The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli 106 Replies latest watchtower bible
still thinking
Dear us to be more successful killing the enemy...and help us to win the war....
ps. we know you are on OUR side and not those heathens who don't believe in the trinity.
OUTLAW: Go to hell, asshole, son of lunatics.
A very spiritual answer, LMAO
Who is this lying fool of a pompous clown?
Begone, you're giving honest, hard working trolls a bad name, lol
So you're claiming your story is now, that you are finnish, went to a norwegian college, where you earned a PhD in something vague from a mysterious person, while never publishing anything, then mentored finnish evolutionary biologists, all while being a witness, becoming an elder, and leading a congregation while secretly arranging apostate get togethers across europe, while publishing various books that no one can find, while also acting as a spiritual guru to theologians and lay people, as well as teaching sociologists about cults and cult behaviors.
JonH...LOL that's great. Mankkeli reminds me of the old Jon Lovitz pathological liar sketch...
That's a great video, Unshackled!!
Gee, Jon Lovitz is SKINNY in that video - and kinda cute!!
That was Effin Funny!!..
LOL unshackled . . .
We get a lot of miniature tidal waves down here . . . very hard to spot them being miniature. Much like mankelli's genius.