bossoms can make rogues??
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli 106 Replies latest watchtower bible
OUTLAW: Go to hell, asshole, son of lunatics.
Mankeli: Can you provide a link to something academic you have authored? As noted by others, contrary to what you claim, your name return 0 relevant hits.
OUTLAW is a new kind of artist. A posting artist. Mankill do you support censoring?
OUTLAW :I created a thread earlier to punish you and demoralize your future, unfortunately it was removed. Henceforth, i have launched an attack on you, may you never have peace. silly goat.
OUTLAW: Go to hell, asshole, son of lunatics.
Not very spiritual of you young man.
mankkeli you have zero credibility, please link directly to your thesis or any other evidence of your expertise or shut up now. Every time you post you sound increasingly sophomoric.