The Ideas Thread - all are welcome!

by cedars 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    The tract idea is a good one . . . it just needs a universally well recognised "hook".

    The word/theme "armageddon" has been done to death a bit . . . but it still captures the imagination and attention of many JW's and non-JW's alike.

    Maybe something like . . . "The 'armageddon' fallacy . . . why you should be wary" . . . followed by a list of those who promote it and how they benefit from it. Simple expose . . . but not too targeted.

  • extractor

    Harold Camping (May 21st nut in California) was a great witnessing gift this summer. Easy to get a JW to readily admit that guy is a false prophet and then show them the WT's own list of false prophesies and ask, "What's the difference?".

    I like Sizemilk's idea of making a list of "End of the World" predictors and just include the WTS as one of the many; nothing special. Something like this could work with JWs & nonJWs alike. Also, "End of the World" is a term recognized better by nonJWs.

  • zengalileo

    I'm up for all those ideas. I'm always up for activism. My ideas are:

    1. District convention walk outs. Place 20 or 30 exJWs in diverse locations in the convention center. All dressed and looking like JWs as we all know how to do.

    Then right when the baptism questions are asked, one person will stand up and loudly say for the whole convention center to hear, "I can't stand this anymore! i'm getting out of here!" Then another person on the other side of the arena will say, "you know, I'm tired of this life too. I'm gone!" then another , then another and for the next 10 or fifteen minutes will be a parade of JWs walking out very loudly proclaiming that they don't believe it any more. The attendants will not know what to do because noone will be together in the same place. It will disrupt the services but they won't be able to pin it on anyone. then maybe some real JWs will be thinking, "Maybe this is my turn to stand up and walk out. we'll call it "Just Walk Out 2021."

    2. A date every year to proclaim the "Jehovah's Witnesses Come Out." Not coming out of the closet, but announcing to one's family and friends that you do not believe in the religion anymore. I think the first day of spring of every year is a good date to have mass coming outs. We can start with some people on this site who don't have the guts to tell their families how they really feel and what they really believe. yeah that's right I'm calling you all out. Do it on the first day of spring 2012.

  • zengalileo

    anything that involves Biblical discussion is a bad idea I think. Because there is no such thing as a right way to understand the Bible. It's all bull shit. some of it more shit than others. but it's all pure stupidity. I just won't argue over a stupid book. I'd sooner wipe my butt with it in public. Now THAT would be saying something true about the Bible!

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi cedars, I have thought about and posted my ideas before about ways to influence JWs, exJWs, and the WTBTS. After reading Steve Hassan's books and other posters on JWN and JWSF, I feel that any ideas must minimize the impression of specifically persecuting JWs to help keep their shields down. I do feel that it is ok to call the WTBTS a dangerous cult instead of a religion and to expose the WTBTS and its cult practices. Here are my ideas:

    1. Sending anonymous emails with a simply message to JW family members and friends like I wrote about in The goal of the emails are to peak the curiosity of the JWs, bible students, exJWs to visit reputable websties to learn more about the WTBTS and about support forums like JWN from the security of their personal computer.
    2. Writing emails/letters to politicans asking for changes to tax laws and government charitable programs to prevent dangerous cults like the Unification Church and the WTBTS from benefiting from government programs. The goal is to reduce funding for the WTBTS. Money is the life blood of corporations, which the WTBTS is.
    3. Writing emails/letters to news organizations to educate them about the differences between bonifide religions and dangerous cults like the Unification Church and the WTBTS. I once saw a news clip that painted a positive image of the WTBTS. It made me sick that the reporter was advertising for the WTBTS' assembly/convention instead of producing a balanced report of the WTBTS.
    4. Sending loving emails/cards with lots of pictures to JW family members and friends, who are shunning you, telling them how much fun you are having.
    5. Exchanging simple questions that can be stated in 5 secs to ask JWs to plant seeds of doubts. I like the following simple questions. Ask JWs, "How do you feel? You look so tired?" when you meet them in public. When a JW asks you to return to the "Truth", tell them you are to busy having fun and ask them, "Why are you still a JW?" When greeting JWs at your door, asking them, "Who do you follow? Who is your mediator with God?", listening to their answer that it is Jesus Christ, and then saying "Are you sure? Aren't you suppose to blindly follow the GB?"
    6. When living in neighborhoods that are frequented by JWs in FS, exchange ideas with neighbors about ways to stop JWs from knocking on neighbors doors.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • cedars

    Wow, what a great response! Thanks to everyone that has come forward so far. It doesn't matter if you have already given your suggestions on JWN, feel free to rekindle them here. Hopefully this thread will continue to attract those who enjoy coming up with ideas, and we can pool our resources to come up with workable solutions.

    iarts - I really like your solution. I personally think we need two information leaflets (in PDF format, that can be easily printed and distributed, as per Wobble's suggestion). One for non-Witnesses - such as the one you suggested, and one for Witnesses. I like yours - the only thing I would change would be to have slightly more info about the various scandals such as UN/NGO, Mexico/Malawi, etc. That way, there can be no shrugging of the shoulders on the part of the Witness, and the "I don't know what you're talking about" retort. If we hit them with a few succinct details, they will be forced to go back and research it for themselves to try to disprove it, which of course they will be completely unable to do. If you don't mind, I'll try to come up with an alternative wording using your leaflet as a template, and I would be interested to hear what you think.

    extractor - I sympathise with your response from the newspaper, although perhaps it isn't wholly unexpected. When it comes to media exposure, we need to think of stories that make the Witness scam relevant to ordinary people. That's the real trick. I've had limited success in this area so far. I find it best to let the Society's own words be used against them. I'm sure there are other avenues though, and I'm always interested to hear them.

    AGuest - Thanks for your input. I don't fully agree with you though I'm afraid. Does the reasoning book cover Mexico/Malaxi and the UN/NGO scandal?

    ABibleStudent - all of your suggestions are excellent, and follow the basic blueprint of what we're all trying to achieve.

    zengalileo - I like your ideas, although the problem with convention walk-outs is you are unlikely to move genuine Witnesses to follow you out of the door, simply because the guy next to them has made a bit of a scene. Your idea has "shock" value, but I'm not convinced it has long-term impact. I've actually been coming up with my own ideas on how to sabotage a convention, which I think would be relatively easy if you had enough people involved in an "ocean's eleven" style operation. It would take careful planning, but there are things that you can do that would leave a lasting impression, and maybe even lead people to start looking for the real truth. I do like your mass walk-outs day for "coming out of the closet" as it were. The only problem is, surely everyone who wants to be disfellowshipped or DA'd already has been?

    sizemik - I have a fantastic "hook" for the Witness leaflet, but I'm typing really quickly as I'm a little rushed. I'll maybe type about it in more detail when I get a bit more time...

  • wobble

    I like the ideas coming up on here, and agree ceders, two PDF's, one for the public one for the JW's is a good idea.

    I wonder too about simply doing one for the public that highlights their secret "Do not call" list, and the fact that all you have to do is tell them and you are on it, if this was blanket distributed it is likely to get a good number of people acting on it, if we simply put this info in amongst other stuff it could get missed.

    We could even have the back of it printed with a notice that the JW'scould read if it was placed in a widow or porch etc something like.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses ! Please ensure that we are entered on your "Do not Call" list, and please do not call again."

    That way they don't have to answer the door, or even be in, to get on the list. If huge numbers do this the JW's will see it as persecution true, but it will add to their disquiet with the religion.

  • cedars

    Hello Wobble - now we're entering into a whole other idea category. A well-designed and attention-grabbing window sticker to supplement the leaflets!!

  • punkofnice

    As 'V' (for Vendetta) intimated, you can't kill an idea.

    I'd like to see a mass letter writing etc campaign of 'dobbing in' of JW paedo's, congregations evading paying the 'superior authorities' by using 'theocratic warfare' and other 'reportable' scandals.

    IE. =

    Also reporting JW paedophiles that have escaped the 'superior authorities' and just been cloistered within the congregations.

    Anything that will hurt the GB where it hurts most..............their wallets and egos!

    As for a little tract the problem is as noted before, attention span. A non JW glancing at a tract would likely see 'Jehovah's Witnesses' and throw it away without reading much.

    I had a toy with this...

    · Do you want to be prevented from celebrating Birthdays, Christmas and other celebrations and be told that if you do God will kill you soon?

    · Do you want loved ones to die because 7 men in Brooklyn say you are not allowed a lifesaving Blood Transfusion?

    · Do you want to belong to a religion that makes numerous false prophecies about the end of the world?

    · Do you want to belong to a religion that hides the identities of paedophiles, won’t report them to the authorities and allows them to still associate with your children?

    · Do you want to have ALL your thoughts controlled by 7 men in Brooklyn U.S.A?

    If you answered ‘YES’ to these questions then you should join Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    If you are still in doubt please visit -


    Please check the Sex Offenders Register before allowing a Jehovah’s Witness into your home.

  • cedars

    Hi punkofnice - I can see where you're coming from. A letter-writing campaign is a good idea, but it might be difficult to get off the ground from a logistical point of view. Postage stamps aren't as cheap as they used to be! Or did you have another idea for distribution?

    The beauty of the small leaflet idea is that, once written, it can easily be downloaded, printed, and distributed by everyone to their friends, neighbours etc. Again, I won't ignore the fact that distribution is easier said than done, particularly on a scale that would make a significant impact. However, that small matter won't stop me trying to come up with something that will grab people's attention - both for Witnesses and non-Witnesses.

    For Witnesses (I'm adding this to Wobble's idea of something you can print out and have by the door for when Witnesses call) I've already come up with a message or "slogan" that I think would peak the curiosity of most Witnesses. The main "hook" (a nod at sizemik's post) of the message is as follows:

    I LOVE Jehovah's Witnesses, but I HATE the Watchtower Society. Here's why...

    I know most on this forum will read this slogan and feel odd about it at first. Perhaps many of us don't feel genuine love for each and every Jehovah's Witness. However - think about it. Individually, the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses are victims of a cult. If they were able to think objectively for even a moment, they would likely be appauled at all the things that the Society hides from them. In my view, the Watchtower Society as a well-oiled self-perpetuating cult is the real villain and subject of my anger, and we need to make it clear to the average Witness that our issues are not with them individually. We are not out to GET them, but HELP them.

    The idea is inspired by the campaign of certain Manchester United supporters who object to the way the American tycoon Malcolm Glazer is running their football club. Their slogan is"LOVE United, HATE Glazer". The slogan conveys the message very simply - they love the club, but they detest the way it is run. I am a United fan myself, but don't feel quite as strongly on the issue as many, but I like the campaign and I think it gets the message across. The slogan reflects my feelings when it comes to the sympathy I feel for individual Witnesses in contrast to my hatred of the Society and its twisted teachings.

    I would be interested in people's thoughts on this. I try to think back to how I would react to encountering this sort of message when I was active in the ministry. I can't help but think I would at least take notice if the first thing I read on the leaflet professed love and good intentions for me as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's basically an ice-breaker. Knowing that I am on safe ground with the author of the leaflet, I would then want to know what his "beef" with the Watchtower Society is, and it goes on from there.

    Thoughts anyone?


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