After jesus was resurected in 3 days and nights was he resurected as a man or a angle that looked like a man to humans because I read he went on preaching the good news and healing? Also how long was he here before he returned to Jehovah in Heaven ?
by redspider 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Black Sheep
Go to the library and get some books that teach critical thinking skills.
Find the best one and study it for several months.
Then ask yourself that question and use your new skills to find an answer.
That was not a very nice thing to say Chris so thank you for nothing!
Black Sheep
From your question, I would be guessing that your critical thinking skills are about as deficient as mine were for several decades.
If I wanted to answers to 'difficult' questions I had to do something about it. I did myself a favour and took the advice I just passed on to you.
Black Sheep
Don't be put off by the title. It's beneficial for adults too.
Have a look at the section: "This book is not for you if ..."
There is no direct evidence Jesus ever existed, and even if he did, there is no evidence that the stories about him in the Bible actually happened. There is also no evidence that intelligent life can exist without a nervous system. Your questions are therefore moot.
Regarding the nature of Christ's resurrection body, please read John 2:19-21; 20:19-25; Luke 24:38.
As far as your time frame question is concerned, see Acts 1:3.
If you'd like to chat with me via PM about this, feel free.
He was resurrected as a man, in the flesh. There was no body for the romans to find; He made a point to eat and drink with His disciples; and Thomas could touch him. I don't know how long he remained after that. (I think it might say forty days somewhere) But He did remain for a while to appear to his brothers and sisters.
Then as he ascended to heaven, he 'shed the flesh' and became spirit once again. (because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom - 1Corinthians 15:50)
Then as he ascended to heaven, he 'shed the flesh' and became spirit once again.
That's a stretch, I like to speculate as much as anyone but I've had to learn not to when I discovered how doing so can lead to errors like those coming from the Watchtower.
It is a fairly new understanding for me. I talked about it more here: