Ding and tech thank you for the awnsers I was looking for I realy appricate it.
Chris I dont know if your a bitter person or like to put others down - but Im pray for you anyway! you dont seem very kind!
sorry thats just a observation.
by redspider 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ding and tech thank you for the awnsers I was looking for I realy appricate it.
Chris I dont know if your a bitter person or like to put others down - but Im pray for you anyway! you dont seem very kind!
sorry thats just a observation.
Sometimes the truth hurts.
If it is assumed that the story is true (almost certainly not, but I'll play), then either Jesus was resurrected as a human or he deliberately deceived his followers at Luke 24:36-43.
I wasn't too pleased when I found out why the 'answers' I was being given didn't make sense, either.
It wasn't until after I put the effort into getting some critical thinking skills that I was able to work out why.
It also helped me understand why I was getting a variety of answers to the same question.
Hi Redspider ... something that helps me when I wonder about things about God, Jesus or any other biblical subjects (I am Christian) is to put my question out there in the universe, I ask God or Jesus to let me know the answers, then I stand "still and observe - God talks to us through the still small voice, dreams, bible, other people, in 3's, meaning that the same subject or situation will develop and all of a sudden it will hit you that the universe is trying to tell you something ... the best method for me is to ask God a question or let him know my feelings then pray for guidance and open the bible and let the Holy Spirit work in me. God spoke through "plays" so to say in the past, Jesus used parables, and at least in my personal life I have seen that, some things are not coincidences, you will personally know when the odds of things happening in response to your innermost thoughts are to big, unique to be random ... you have to have FAITH first and Faith is spiritual you don't need to develop human/flesh critical thinking skills ... FAITH is supernatural nothing to do with the physical realm ... by all means develop critical thinking skills to deal with the things of the flesh, earthly stuff but when it comes to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit believe, receive, become!!! Operate in the Spirit.
He was resurrected as a man, in the flesh. There was no body for the romans to find; He made a point to eat and drink with His disciples; and Thomas could touch him. I don't know how long he remained after that. (I think it might say forty days somewhere) But He did remain for a while to appear to his brothers and sisters.
Then as he ascended to heaven, he 'shed the flesh' and became spirit once again. (because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom - 1Corinthians 15:50)
Dear Tammy,
I have a different take on that scripture. I believe Jesus was referring to human nature in its weakened and imperfect condition as to the reference of flesh and blood. Since the Fall, this condition of men then could not be taken into the Heavenly realms. Flesh and blood in this scripture I feel is symbolic and not literal.
I don't believe Jesus "shed" anything. I believe He still has His glorified body. His two natures, fully God and fully man are still together for all eternity. This is the mystery that baffles even the angels.
To Redspider,
I don't believe Jesus ever was an angel but is the second person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus took on our fallen nature, being made a little lower than the angels. Once He died, He rose again in glory with a glorified physical body. This gives us an example of our resurrection at the end of the age. All in Christ receive a glorified body. Christ's body transcends into the heavens now and for all eternity. There will be different views on this as noted, but the most bizzarre ones are from the Mormons and Watchtower literature.
Hi, RedSpider,, and welcome!
Think Yoda ,, neither bitter nor unkind was he - logical perhaps, and very direct ... hmmm?
The Force is strong with this one. This is how a Jedi must be.