Gathering summaries for class action lawsuit..... Six Screens Conference call

by koolaid-man 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Will someone please share what was announced about Johnny the Bethelite?

  • clarity

    Good morning Rick ...

    Listening in to the show (twice) last nite, all I heard was a woman talking on & on ..... no one could get a word in edgewise! Even with all her wordiness, it was immpossible to tell what the subject was!

    Maybe a shorter show with a moderator to keep it on subject, would be more effective.

    I was interested in hearing what it was all about.

    You advertise the show's coming events, on jwn, so perhaps it would be a courtesy to give us the conclusion about the 'lawsuits' & johnny the bethelite now that the show is over. You must realize that dialing in to your show is not free to those outside the US.


  • Iamallcool

    Rick, it is better to do nothing than doing the wrong thing. you are still scoring negative below points.


    What happens when you do nothing?........ NOTHING!.....KoolAidMan

    What happens when you sell Bullshit and Hype on Six Screens?..

    You Lose your Audience..

    It`s time to give Six Screens a Proper Burial..

    Get a Shovel..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • N.drew

    The show was about the "Manhattan Project". They will be giving away free bibles (no donation request) on the streets of New York. I don't know how many books that they have now. I suspect they will not be producing more before the move out of the city. I suppose they'll save a few bucks on gas giving the books away rather than moving them! Good move! It's what I would do.

  • Gayle

    something fishy about them wanting to get rid of all their bibles. Are they still the color green? I have been out a long time.

    something fishy about them wanting to get rid of all their bibles. Are they still the color green?

    The WBT$ is pretending the JW`s are doing this without them..

    JW`s are buying into it..If the WBT$ can pull this off..

    They can distance themselves from JW legal Problems the WBT$ Creates..

    JW`s will find themselves alone whenever shit hits the fan..

    The WBT$ walks away clean..


  • mouthy

    lamallcool---personally I think you should go BaCK INTO Mind control'
    Why are you so rude??? I listened las t night & think Mark should have
    FRIENDS to encourage him..
    Clarity??? Was I the woman you are complaining you heard??? Sorry if I was
    I dont think being rude to someone who is trying to help survivors of a cult is very kind.
    You may not agree with his way of doing it. So pass on by!!!
    As for the free bibles the WT is giving away I personally think the atomic bomb
    would be a kinder gift to the people who will accept them...O.K.
    I have said my peice so now throw your rocks

    Mouthy Grace

  • N.drew

    Grace are you a Brit? Somebody has a very nice British voice, but I missed it. I just heard the end of some female's many, many, many words. Shucks!

    I'm an idiot!! I see you are Canadian. Haha.

  • mouthy

    No my love I am a brit. I live in Canada as I am a war bride.
    I didnt think I talked that much ...Oh well "empty vessels make the most noise "

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