Gathering summaries for class action lawsuit..... Six Screens Conference call

by koolaid-man 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Monty Python said it best: spam, spam, spam, spam ----- spam spam spam!!!

  • watson

    Amazing Grace!

  • james_woods
    Amazing Grace!

    TOUCHED - by the hand of the LORD - and THROWED BACK!!!

  • mouthy

    Thanks I thought you were gonna say & THROWN UP!!!( vomit!!

  • kimbo

    I will download it later on

  • koolaid-man

    The Six Screens call on Nov.19 attracted many interested callers. We are pleased that the conference call is continuing to unite so many searching Jehovah's Witnesses and helping them to find the exit door at the Kingdom Hall.

    The call lasted for close to 9 hours and much was discussed.

    In our 10 oclock hour a public announcement concerning "Johnny the Bethelite" did not take place.

    The reason for this was that a young distraught active Jehovah's Witness man called in and kept us all silent as he shared with us a monumental awe-inspiring decision he had to make....... he needed our input and he needed it fast!

    Sorry we cannot go into the full details concerning the full scope of the horrific position he was put under by The Watchtower Org.

    This disturbing and troubling disision made by this young Witness will be ready for download on Thursday Nov.24, 2011

    In veiw of the time used on encouraging and cosoling this trubled young man a decision was made to move the anouncement concering the mysterious and now infamous caller "Johnny the Bethelite" up to our next conference call Sat. Dec.3, 2011

    We will make the anouncement early in the program.... 8:30 EST.

    In veiw of the time used on encouraging and cosoling this trubled young man a decision was made to move the anouncement concering the mysterious and now infamous caller "Johnny the Bethelite" up to our next conference call Sat. Dec.3, 2011

    We will make the anouncement early in the program.... 8:30 EST. ouncement early in the program.... 8:30 EST.

  • Bangalore

    Why are you evading LWT's question about Johnny?


  • Iamallcool

    bangalore, he answered that question, read his previous post carefully.

  • Iamallcool

    Rick said In our 10 oclock hour a public announcement concerning "Johnny the Bethelite" did not take place.

    The reason for this was that a young distraught active Jehovah's Witness man called in and kept us all silent as he shared with us a monumental awe-inspiring decision he had to make....... he needed our input and he needed it fast!

  • Iamallcool

    I am rolling my eyes around on rick.

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