Yet another Watchtower Lie

by jwfacts 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    The Watchtower website is currently highlighting the article "Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Protestant Religion?" from the The Watchtower November 1, 2009. It makes the following comment:

    "Third, unlike the Protestant movement, which has splintered into hundreds of denominations, Jehovah’s Witnesses have maintained a united global brotherhood."

    I have heard this comment from JWs as well. Surely, most JW's must know enough of their history to be aware of all the Bible Student groups that broke away after Russell's death, and all the new sects constantly rising since the time of the internet. A couple that come to mind are and www. christianwitnesses .com/

  • Bella15

    McDonalds, Texaco, Shell and thousands of other companies keep the same business model all over the world ... ORGANIZATION, CORPORATION, FRANCHISE (elder's manual) is the key!!!

  • LostGeneration

    I'll tell you one thing, I had no idea that the Bible students were still around until I left, or that group in Romania. That shows the power of information control.

    But the big lie of what they are saying there is that they in fact are the splinter group, both off of the Protestants and the Second adventist movement. They have never laid out their so called faithful slave chain back to the time of the apostles, so simply slapping their "global brotherhood" moniker on their religion doesn't mean jack shit.

  • freshstart

    Yeah it's weird that JWs try to deny this. It shows in the Proclaimers group about splinter groups. I went to the website of the "true jw" and the beliefs look pretty much the same. Do you know what the differences are?

  • jwfacts

    LG, that is why I looked at the article. I was wondering if they would make any admission of Russell's SDA or Protestant/Presbyterian history and how they would handle it. Not only did they completely ignore that crucial fact as part of the discussion, they then make the above lie.

    Basically they article says "we never broke away from anyone" (lie) and "no one ever broke away from us" (lie).

  • jwfacts

    Freshstart - The Romania Witness group were isolated under ban from many decades. They mainly had access to the older books of Rutherford, and so their teachings are based very much around the more original teachings, in somewhat of a timewarp.

  • jwfacts

    double post

  • freshstart

    I didn't know that, thanks! Kinda weird looking at the pics on that site. It was like the assemblies I always went to, but not quite.

  • bottleofwater

    It's not so much a lie as it is crafty and deceptive. But the point is irrelevent.

    JWs are Adventists which are Protestants.

  • Jeffro

    Strictly speaking, JWs are Protestants (as has already been mentioned). Their polity (hierarchical structure) is essentially the same as other Protestant groups, wherein most of the differences are in semantics only.


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