My computer-support service has checked my computer because it's been rather "glitchy" lately, and the hard drive is failing...
So, I'll end up being cut-off from the board, for a while...
Some of you have my personal phone number, if you need to get in touch...
Here's something else that's been bothering me...
We're going to fly out to see the in-laws soon - and I'm very uneasy about flying...
If something should happen to me, could you people please help find GOOD homes for my animals??? They are all INDOORS animals, have been spayed/neutered, and are pretty good with dogs...
There are six cats - the seventh one, Minx, will have to be "put down", as she is slowly dying of feline leukemia, and is far too "high-maintenance" for anyone else to care for...
But there's Chomper - a neutered male, six-toed cat, somewhat feral but ferociously loyal to anyone who will be patient with him - and feed him wet food... He's a big, short-haired grey-and-black tabby... Unfortunately, in the process of the hard-drive decay, my computer no longer recognizes my crappy printer, and so I can't load a pix of Chomper... But he's a BIG cutie!!
Smokey - the crazy one. Neutered male, he's GORGEOUS! Smoky-gray and fairly long-haired; the only problem is that he likes to chew ELECTRICAL cords...
There's Tiger Lilly - a long-haired, grey-and-white spayed female, who really should go WITH Smokey to a new home, as she is his "partner in crime" - they pretend-fight play all day long...
There's Alex - the basement cat - neutered male, "tuxedo" cat, VERY much a gentleman, and likes to cuddle at night!!
There's Velvet - a very fat, older black cat... Any of you Wiccans/pagans who could give her a good home, it would be appreciated... She was nearly starved to death when I first got her, and she's been prone to over-eat since then. She probably won't live too much longer - perhaps another two years or so, but I'd rather see her go on to a good home than have her put to sleep...
Then there's my newest cat - SteamPunk - a medium-long haired neutered male who looks very like a white tiger or snow leopard. He's DEFINITELY been abused - scared to death if anyone makes a kicking or shoving motion with their foot, a throwing motion with their hand, or says "Ssst!" or "Scat!" He was diagnosed with feline AIDS - can't be in a home with ANY other cat, unfortunately... He's well-behaved, uses the litter box, LOVES wet food, and would be a FANTASTIC addition to anyone's elegant home - he makes things look gorgeous, just hanging around!!
And my doggie...... Sheeba - 15 years old and still going strong - she needs to be fed a little whole-wheat bread with her dry food - and she needs a high-quality dry food with NO sweet potato in it - because she developed an allergic reaction to her dry food diet of 10 years, and had chronic diarreah for two years before we figured out what was wrong... She can't do 12 miles anymore, but she does o-k just meandering along, sniffing stuff for a half-mile or so...
If you people could please help my neighbor find good homes for these animals - she will have my account and access for this board - in case something happens to me, could you please help?
I just couldn't rest easy, not knowing whether my animals would have good homes to go to, in case something happened to me...
[the hamsters will probably go to my friend in Bonnie Brae - if not back to Petco - they're pretty good at placing hamsters...] Unless there are hamster people out there who would want to take them - they're getting pretty old...]
Anyway, thanks in advance, and HOPEFULLY we won't need to do this!!