Zid has to say "goodbye"... For now...
by ziddina 73 Replies latest jw friends
Sent you 'nuther PM
,,, your cats are purrrrrfect! (doggie is sweet, too)
Well, guys, I survived!!!
I've realized what I hate about flying - it's the crappy situation getting on the plane, dealing with my carry-on, sitting there all crunched into a seat for several hours...
I pity those who have to fly to New Zealand - 20 hours - man, I'd go frikkin' NUTS!!
But that's just me...
Am running sleep-deprived for 6 nights - the in-laws' condo had "firm" matresses - or as the nice salesman from Denver Mattress who tried to talk me out of buying a "firm" mattress called it, "like sleeping on the floor..."
And even less comfortable than sleeping on the ground, where one can at least dig hip and shoulder-holes....
I think that the sleep-deprivation was bothering my in-laws, too, as they became ever more fractious and irritable as the week wore on... Too bad, because we were having a decent time until the sleep-deprivation irritability set in... I think that I heard the husband smack the wife, but couldn't ask her about it - she/they are WAAAAAY too proud to admit to any problems....
And of course we had "Typhoid Larry" sitting in our row as we flew out.... So both hubby and I have caught nasty colds or something...
Yeah, I'm glad it's over, and I think we'll only go out there every three years, instead of every other year...
I pity those who have to fly to AMERICA - 20 hours - man, I'd go frikkin' NUTS!!
Hello Zid,
how's your voice this mornin' ???
Pity the poor world...
But thanks for asking, Was Blind!!!
How is your health doing this morning??
I'm going to send you a very tiny PM!
Gotta go - feed grumpy cats...
wha happened?
I want to go to Aussieland, but I'm trying to figure out a way to have me in an induced coma during the flight. I'm good for about 3 hours then I go stir crazy. I had to save up for a 1st class ticket the few times I flew from Los Angeles to Miami
Well well well .... the dragon Lady is baaack!
And just about time too! (pictureofcheeringsmilies)
They say a change is as good as a rest ...so hope you are feeling wide-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. Is the xmas tree up yet?
For those of us who can't do one .... pictures if you will.?
I love the reds and greens myself! maybe some golds.
Glad you're back safe & sound ..clarity
Hi, Wha Happened!
Maybe a very long tape with "white" noise??? And LOTS of calcium, zinc and vitamin C before boarding??? And B-complex - for the nerves...?
Hi, Clarity!! Yep, back on the ground, safe and sound!! But no Xmas tree this year; too busy with trip - besides, we're not "exchanging presents" this year with said in-laws; money is too tight for them right now....
At least, that's their story, and they're sticking to it...
I'm not in the Xmas mood this year. But I LOOOOOOVE Halloween!! Which was wet and rainy this year, so very little went up then, too.
Augh, but I'm not bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.... We both came down with terrible colds - "Typhoid Larry" sat in our row, on the trip out.
I've made some notes for the next time - demand that the condo management supply softer mattresses; wear an air filter saturated with eucalyptus oil on the plane, and if the blasted in-laws argue AGAIN and keep me up all night, I'm sleeping on the deck...
They keep the place too hot, anyway.
But I am GLAD to be back, and especially to see all you wonderful people!! I missed you!!!
wha happened?
oh don't get me started with masks on a plane. I think they should be required. I once flew to San Francisco and a guy behind me coughed the whole way there. I came home sick and was sick for my vacation. Spent it in bed.
Glad to see u back safe