The word "Armageddon" has been fading away from WT publications

by Alfred 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Alfred

    And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Ma·ged′on [Meggido Mountain]. -Rev 16:16

    It seems the WT has been planning a slow fade for the word "Armageddon" as the word is being mentioned less and less as we get further away from 1914. Could it be that their failed predictions (1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, before 2000) is forcing them to change their membership retention strategy which includes a slow fade of this fear-mongering word? Or could it possibly be that they will eventually admit that 144,000 is just a symbolic number and that JWs will all die and go to heaven after all (with no literal "Battle of Armageddon" taking place)? Whatever the reason, the numbers don't lie and I believe the list below gives us a pretty good indication that the word "Armageddon" is soon to dissapear from WT publications...

    Mentions of “Armageddon” in the Watchtower magazine…

    1950’s 2,063 times

    1960’s 1,095 times

    1970’s 152 times(drastic drop after 1975)

    1980’s 438 times

    1990’s 242 times

    2000-2009 184 times

    2010-2019 60 times (projected based on 6 mentions in 2010)

    I'd love to hear your opinion on what is driving this fade... Thanks!

  • designs

    It is a pariah word used by nut job Evangelicals. The Wt. Society fully endorses Armageddon but they know how to play the politics of the word and use the softer sounding The End or Last Days etc. to get the same effect over the Rank and File.

  • Alfred


    I checked those 2 phrases (The End & Last Days) and they're also being mentioned less... "Day of Jehovah" is also being mentioned less.

    But all of these are still mentioned a lot more than "Armageddon" you're point does have some validity...

  • designs


    Thanks for checking. Not keeping up with my Watchtower reading (like not in 10 years lol) wow! Day of Jehovah is the politically correct term they are using now, ha.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Try "Jehovah's Day"

  • designs

    Always felt God should have a day, like Happy Birthday God Rah!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If the GB does away with Armageddon, then the Other Sheep are no better off than druggies, murderers and those scumbag Catholics.

    They all die and get resurrected just the same.

    No special reward for all those self righteous bigots who spent their lives banging on doors and shunning their families.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Well observed.. I agree with Designs, they even changed some of the songs for the new book so that the new songs wouldn't sound as 'evangelical' as the old ones, so it could be another way of distancing themselves from evangelicals.

  • designs


    The funny about the songs going soft on 'God's Going To Kill Everyone' lalalaala

  • blondie

    Don't forget to search using Revelation 16:16 and the term "great tribulation" (Matthew 24:21) The WT teaches that the end begins with the GT and ends with Armageddon with the GT basically being the whole time period.

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