Occupy Watchtower

by OnTheWayOut 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    well as much as i want to visit the states it wont be to picket.

    I does make the protesters feel good and righteously angry but has no effect on the target. Any media attention is for a 30 second news spot and the authorities only care about it being 'peaceful'.

    It is the 21st century and their is a new god on the scene.... 'INTERNET/GOOGLE SEARCH'


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Balaamsass .....that was an awesome post.

    Think About It

  • Balaamsass

    On SECOND THOUGHT...if we can piece together the real estate value, and at least SOME of the cash, and stock holdings of the WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, and pass this along to the WEEKEND PROTESTERS THAT ARE ALREADY THERE.....

    99% PROTESTERS HATE JP MORGAN/CHASE BANK (WTBS #1 bank), PROTESTORS HATE BIG HEDGE FUNDS (see WTBS INFO), PROTESTORS HATE FAT CAT ANYTHING, AND every couple of weeks they march from Wall street across the Brooklyn Bridge anyway...perhaps they could get Some great media coverage in front of 25 and 124 Columbia Hgts.."Down with greedy child abusing FAT CAT RELIGION".."RELIGION (WTBTS$)IS A SNARE AND A $$RACKET, SERVE GOD AND CHRIST TODAY!! Montague St., has some great places to hang after a chilly march.

    We simply need to flesh out some more information, and release it on the "Occupy" Web and Face Book Sites. A worldwide real estate tally and a friendly ex JW teller at Chase bank would be helpful.

    For very little effort and expense..with the thousands of members on this site digging around..an Occupy Watchtower (by proxy) event could be pulled off in a couple of weeks.........

    Just a couple of local "Apostates in Guy masks"..with a rented bullhorn and sandwich boards, could easily direct an Occupy group up Columbia Heights to the correct entrances...hummm

  • i_drank_the_wine

    Occupying Bethel sounds like a total waste of time. I sat down with and debated with multiple family members on everything from 607, the sordid history of the Bible, United Nations involvement, terrible Bible translation, the impossibility of a global flood only a few thousand years ago, etc.

    No matter how factual, accurate, and logical your argument is they will still just write you off as an apostate. In fact, being more forceful about things just makes them less likely to listen.

    We live in a crazy and often shitty world. IMO there's better ways to spend time than protesting to deaf ears.

  • strymeckirules

    i was playing with this idea too.

    if we were to occupy the public meetings, like we go and sit and watch the fools parade, but not say anything about it. just be spectators. don't pay attention to the words, watch the people react to the meeting.

    a full hall of non believers watching the cult at work.

    i think this approach could have an impact. if slogans were used were would just be made fun of.

    but no words. just silent analyzis. maybe a video camera to capture the crazy. this would make the jdubs expose their crazy side.

    by saying we are just interested in observing, we should be allowed to do this without police intervention.

    eventually, if we occupy the halls better than the jdubs do, say we outnumber them, i bet many would stop coming to the meetings, thinking satan have entered the congregation and it's not a safe haven anymore for them to do their secret religion bullshit.

    imagine if we were all there occupying halls on the apostate article that sunday. would they have been so bold to hate on us when "potential conversions" are watching, or a video taping them?

    same with the district conventions. just go with your friends and watch the crazyies act. if we were to out number them, then then would react to us.

    when someone is watching you, you usually tend to get paranoid and react somehow. this is the uncomfortableness i would like them to feel. we are watching you. you don't get to get away with bullshit anymore.

  • Balaamsass

    Lots of great ideas. I love the idea of visiting the PUBLIC MEETINGS during especially hateful Watchtower studies. A few videos of publishers going on about killing apostates during the meetings or other Hateful comments posted here, on You tube and on Facebook would have a great impact.

    There are 25,516 members of this site. 4-5,000 people A DAY surf this site. If the 25,000 members of this site EACH posted to Facebook these Hate comments, the issue would go viral.

  • Londo111

    I remember visiting Bethel in 1990 with a former Bethelite and his wife and there were demonstrators outside, shouting and poster waving. I was scared to death. I had to walk through the demonstrators to enter Bethels and they would say, "We love you! We love you!" That just creeped me out. That only perpetuated the myth of an Evil Slave Class in my mind and whatever they were saying, I just wanted 180 degrees opposite.

    We met up with a Bethelite friend of the former Bethelite and he mentioned how some night workers were having trouble sleeping because of the noise. It definitely did not leave a good taste in anybody's mouth toward the demonstrators.

    Demonstrating would only solidify the stereotype of the angry, crazy apostate. It would not win hearts and minds.

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