New Field Service Policy - jw's assigned to neighborhoods

by skeeter1 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohiocowboy

    I can't imagine them saying that-(In writing anyways). They would be opening themselves up to lawsuits if one of the JW's were raped or killed by going alone. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time they shot themselves in the foot. Safety in numbers, etc...

  • lifestooshort

    I think the average householder would immeadately think, "Nutcase!". That is how they would appear to me.

  • InquiryMan

    I remember visiting a congregation in Germany some 25 years ago.. They had the same territories for years.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    People do that already. I remember so many people would take out the same territory month after month

  • wobble

    It could well backfire, I can see HHolders saying bugger off much more readily to the same person they already told they were not interested.

    We need the leaflet/tract/sticker that we talked of producing to alert the public to the Do Not Call system.

    Then we can assign ourselves some territory,and do some un-witnessing, when the JW has to hand his map back in with 90% DNC's on they may have to look for a new idea.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    'sales' must be down, and the bean counters have told the marketing department to lean on the sales staff to be more pushy.


  • PaintedToeNail

    Slightly off topic, but not to far-I did a convicted pedophile check for my local area. Lo and behold, one small village had a load of them. Why? The rents their are extremely cheap and the rest of the village looks like the locals inbreed. I told the MS handling the territories, he was going to bring it up to the elders, as beautiful, young sisters were working that village. So many homes converted into apt.s that the girls would be invisible from the front of the houses as they called on the apt. out back. There weren't too many young boys in the cong., but that was a worry still. That Territory still isn't marked as being pedophile haven. A well meaning sister at the hall recently invited me and mine to work that territory with her, but I kindly declined. I don't do that stuff anymore


  • dozy

    This kind of idea has been floated a few times - when I was field service overseer , quite a few of the maps were assigned to individual pioneers who would always work those areas. The problem was determining whether they were actually being worked properly. Half the time , the maps ended up being lost or never worked. And these were enthusiastic & diligent pioneers. To roll the concept out on a congregation basis , where Bro & Sis Apathetic gets their own neighbourhood territory is a very bad idea , doubtless to be scrapped before long.

    In a similar vein , the WTBTS has encouraged JWs to go out in evenings. And the current circuit visits include a saturday afternoon ministry slot , which they are encouraging.

    What the WTBTS consistently fails to realise is that for the vast majority of JWs , the "ministry" is a very unpleasant activity that is made somewhat palatable by the social angle - coffee breaks , working (& gossiping) with others etc & uses what would otherwise be "dead time" (eg weekday mornings , 1 hour on saturday morning etc). The idea that a JW would be quite happy singly or as a couple working their own "special territory" works against this kind of arrangement.

  • PrincessCynic

    I've heard of this before too. A DO (or CO?) we once had was pushing the idea. According to him this is how the preaching work is organised in every other country and the way we do it here is ridiculous and extremely inefficient in comparison. I agree but personally I don't see it happening. Most go to field service groups mid-week as a social thing, get really grumpy if they get sent to a street on their own and only stay out as long as they do because of peer pressure and an unspoken expectation to work til a certain time. Only the hardcore witlesses would do it properly.

    By the way, when there's talk of 'working alone' I don't think it means literally alone, everyone would still have a partner and work in twos but they would have their own territory to go to and not be directed by a brother with the map.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I didn't go to the Zone Meeting, but I heard a couple JWs when telling me what I missed, mentioned that one of the speakers suggested this as a preaching method, which may be why you're hearing about this now, Skeeter. I want to say Losch stated it, but I can't recall. Either Losch or the other non-GB Heavyweight stated it. I don't think it's going to be a new policy or anything, but rather the speaker was just offering a suggestion.

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