1914 a 100 Years on.

by Twisty 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twisty

    Thanks for the thoughts I'm agreeing with b.o.c, although i think alot depends on how long each person has been in "the truth" and what they know about its history.

    Yes the "society" as a whole came through 1975 but there was serious damage now imagine they had the internet to enlighten them at a time when probably the majority of them had questions and doubts, it might have been the end of the organisation with the domino effect coming into play.

    Also it might be the average witness carries more questions around with him now than then

    Just some thoughts.

    Here is hoping for a catalyst to burst the bubble and get the dominos falling.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Even though it isn't a milestone in the eyes of the Watchtower and I'm sure they're hoping no one will even bring it up it will be something a lot of Jdubs will be thinking about. However trying wake the mentally dead isn't easy. I'm sure a lot of them will just float along accepting any garbage the Watchtower chooses to print. There are plenty problems with the Watchtower's teachings right now yet a large portion of JWs just zombie there way through life not questioning anything.

  • insearchoftruth

    Where I think it could make a difference is with the folks that are potential JWs, with the efficiency of the internet there is so much information available and there are many publications such as the reasoning from the scriptures book which is still used but not adjusted for the generation change (see the last days section) that folks come upon. These people in their research may ask the questions and wonder why the end is not here, 100 years after the 'invisible return'.

  • diamondiiz

    I'm sure there will be those who question the 100 years gone by without any results but how many of those will fully wake up vs how many will look the other way and continue on their merry way.

    We see people waking up to the reality of wts lie all the time on this board as new members sign up, but there is no flood of people leaving at this point nor do I imagine it will be in 2 years time. More may ask questions but we'll see how wts covers this problem and I'm sure they're working on this right now. They already changed the meaning of generation, internet is bad, anyone with independent views is mentally diseased......

    They may throw the 120 years of Noah's day few more times but ultimately 2014 may be the start of people asking themselves about why Jesus is so bloody slow. IMO one thing that will help stabilize wts in the coming years is the global debt problems which should allow wts to grow because of people not understanding the underlying global problems who seek the easy answers that wts claims to have. Others will think it must be the start of GT and many inactive believing JWs will return to the KHs once again and recruitment may increase out of fear. But after the worst is over and things start to normalize under whatever financial system we will live then the wts will lose much of its followers. This is just my theory thus I give them about 15-20 years before the dam bursts and greater percentage wake up and finally leave. Besides fearful people going back to KHs, I'm just not sure how they will handle the fact that many will have financial problems and wts won't get the same support financially as it did in the past.

  • insearchoftruth

    But from a financial perspective, the one thing the WTS owns lots of is real estate, and as the economy improves, the value of the real estate should appreciate....

  • diamondiiz

    When will this economy improve? It will take a LOOONG time for the real value of the properties to return to where they were 4 years ago. "Normal" times are behind us and off into a future. Next 20 years could be very problematic, I give it 20 but it's more likely next 5 years. EU has very few options, they either allow weaker states to leave which will cause problems for the banks and because of derivatives all banks will be affected to some degree. EU, changes it's governance and all EU states will fall under one jurisdiction similar to US with ECB becoming more like the FED which means inflation for EU with many austerity measures in place cause problems for general EU population. (Greece on greater scale) Other possibilities are various default scenarios for EU. US is in no way better shape. They have over 15trillion debt on national level. Their dollar is rallying and treasuries selling because at present seems less risky than EU bonds. Once the EU outcome is known, US is next to see it's US dollar collapse and treasury bubble burst. Unlike EU, US Fed will support the bond sales through it's purchasing program if needed causing inflation or hyperinflation. The 1.2 trillion cuts to deficits over 10 years is a joke as US government runs 1.4 trillion deficits yearly with any slowdown, the deficits will grown as governments keep throwing money on the fire while tax revenues decrease. The global debt problems need to be addressed and IMO it will be BAD which in my theory WTS should benefit from the misery until some sort of new financial system replaces what we have today.

  • smiddy

    I agree with sir82,and would add the" Chritadelphians" to the list


  • wasblind

    I'm sure they will replace the reasoning book by then

    because it's filled with , and I qoute " the generation that was alive at the

    beginning of the fulfillment of the sign in 1914, is now well along in years,

    the time remaining must be very short."

    you can find this qoute on page 239 and on 234 and 97

    don't matter what they changed bout the generation this book proves

    they are false prophets, new light my foot

  • AvocadoJake

    People are questioning their beliefs now, the explanation of the "Generation." was the scrape, that has started to slowly infect the body's mind to new ideas. More brothers and sisters are questioning things, things are not adding up. A few of the brothers were having a bitch-fest, "I don't think the end is coming, I think the Society needs to focus on day to day needs of the worker bees. The WTS has showed they are not good with Bible prophecy and need discontinue this segment of opperations." Kids are attending colleges and don't care what the CO or elders say about it, they don't want to end up broke, with nothing at age 65. Those JW children not in school, are serving up your hamburgers, competing with the illegal immigrants for min wage jobs. People are waking up, and asking more questions. Have a little more faith in humanity!

  • the-illuminator81

    Jesus has been ruling invisibly for a 100 years, and what has he accomplished? Zilch.

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