tonight i tried to contact my blood brother. i am 32 he is 30.
he was baptised at 10 and df'd at 12, 22 and now he would have been again but he walked away.
i made no progress with our reunite. he's hating on me for leaving the family. and he's holding against me abuse we gave eachother when we were 10-15.
he will not accept the jws are a cult. he almost hung up on me when i mentioned it. he won't research them at all. so it's impossible for him to see the reason that we were manipulated as children.
he had a divorce last year and claims he could have used his big brother then. i had sent him a text saying "little brother, i am here if you need me" but i got ZERO response from him. now it wasn't enough. even though he made no effort to talk, it's my fault for not supporting him during his divorce(he pulled a tiger woods on his wife. many girls and then she found out)
he claims to know me and my actions, but he only knows the "cult" personality i had, which was a holyer than thou attitude.
i told him i don't judge him or his actions, and to forgive whatever i did to offend him.
he hung up on me while i was apologizing for being a dick when we were kids.
now, we were also best friends growing up. so he's not being very truthful.
i think he's hurt from me leaving, but he fails to understand WHY i left. and the reason is the cult he doesn't admit to. leaving due to religious differneces is not a good reason.
i really want to fix this but HOW? do i keep calling him, he won't answer. do i send him texts? emails? what do i say?
he's good at guilt trips and he will manipulate and leave out facts to make a guilt point.
i have a fantasic memory so i recall what really happened. and i have to remind him, and then he changes the subject to another guilt trip.
frusteratiing to say the least. i could go the rest of my life without talking to him, but i don't want the cult to win.
i am in with my extended family ever since i left the cult. he only has his immediate mom, dad and sister, who have shuned him.
so now he is asking my grandparents for money. they are on pension and you get the idea.
i guess i'm mad he hasn't asked me for money or help, i am well to do. he says he doesn't want my help anymore.
everything was fine 4 years ago as they were luring me into the cult. now i'm cult free and we have to hate eachother due to past unresolved problems.
ask me any questions to help you give me advice in this situation. i don't know how to combat the cult with success when it comes to family members.
i have a feeling this is going to be futile....