I opened this link expecting a good joke.
While not obvious, the thread did not disappoint!
by mankkeli 131 Replies latest jw experiences
I opened this link expecting a good joke.
While not obvious, the thread did not disappoint!
ban the little prick
"They were both amazed at the grandiloquent write up of the newly released brochures on the origin of life released at the 2010 DC. WT's logic in that brochure motivated their attendance".
Mankkeli is right..........they were there.......... "and then Stephen Hawkings got up and danced for joy!"
Dawkins gnashed his teeth and wept...
we cant see the vid cause they were ridiculers and they came with their ridicule.
Confidential sources stated that Hawking and Dawkins were indeed viewed wandering the convention hallways; searching in vain for the famed bean burritos and lemon-lime shasta colas sold at lunch, unaware that the WTS had changed the food arrangements in the ensuing years since they last attended.
Don't forget the Swiss Miss pudding!^^^
Ah those naughty little swiss misses ;)
I often wonder why we dignify the posts of those we have identified as trolls..
Yah whY?
The last few comments, esp. about Hawkings getting up and dancing, are so funny. Humor is a good way to deal with a troll. C.S. Lewis in the Screwtape Letters said we should never fear Satan b/c he is an inferior creature. He is not a co-God. Rather, the best way is through ridicule.