Have you tried doing a search for "André"? I'm sure something will turn up! Sorry - bttt.
Husband beats wife, husband studies with JWs, husband stops beating wife, all live happily ever after... help needed!
by cedars 33 Replies latest jw friends
Do you want examples of verbal abuse as well?
discreetslave - at the moment I'm primarily interested in showing the frequency in which the situation described in the title is depicted in the magazines with emphasis on physical violence against women. That in no way diminishes the harmful impact of verbal abuse, but I would rather keep things simple for now...
Cedars I sent you a PM
I haven't read through all of these but there are experiences of domestic abuse in here
http://www.silentlambs.org/personal_experiences/battered_lambs.cfm -
Regarding child abuse: There was the story of a young girl who studied the bible with JW's against her father's wishes. Anyway there was some important meeting one night, maybe memorial, and she snuck out her window to go. The next time the witnesses saw her she was happily showing off her bruises that her father gave her. She said when she got home, he caught her and beat her senseless. As it turned out, he had also wandered to the hall to try and see what his daughter was up to and LIKED what he saw! So why was she smiling? Because her father told her the beating was for climbing out the window and leaving without his permission. But from now on, if she ever MISSED a meeting, that is the kind of beating she would receive! Isn't that HAPPYIFING????
I'll look for it.
“Some wives do provoke their husbands. Although this is certainly not always the case, I feel that it is usually the case. I have seen a number of couples in which the woman had hit the husband repeatedly before he finally hit back.”—Dr. Marguerite Fogel.
I emailed you with my story. I kept it brief, I stuck to facts, tried to keep my emotions out of it, which was tough, I am quite angry-sarcastic-raw at the moment. I just know that won't help anything.
blond-moment aka Danmera aka Micks
Band on the Run
May I ask whom you plan to convince with this project? I am shocked at the numbers already. It seems very stupid to keep repeating it where it can't be denied. Are they truly so clueless about abuse? I don't think this will convince any active Witnesses. When I was active, I would reason that they don't really mean what they say and to credit the culture. Somehow I assumed their intentions were honorable--despite clear evidence that such a belief was stupid. They aren't mincing words here. No subtlety is involved.
If normal people had access to such numbers of express text, I think the WTS would be screwed. People don't find abuse a woman's duty anymore. I realize men are abused, too. Perhaps my sex colors my view and men are physically stronger.
From the mid 60s when I pioneered to the late 80s when I stepped down as an Elder I saw the physical results of the corporal punishment allowed within the Organization. A Presiding Overseer chopping his childrens hair into tufts because they dared to wear 'worldly clothes'. An Assistant Overseer 'gut stomping' his son till he bled. A Pioneer sister opening the door and telling me she couldn't go out in Service, both of her eyes were blackened by her Ministerial husband. A young bride punched so hard in the face by her husband it shattered her cheek bones. Child rape. The list goes on and on. I thought I would lose my mind and my humanity.
Seeing people like all of you who leave and become whole is such a powerful tool and lesson. We can get out and we can help those still in.