This is a bit embarassing. My mom and her sister married best friends at Bethel. In contrast to my father, my uncle was meek, nice, and decent. She knew not to go to the KH crowd about my father but there was a hope that a very close male friend, both man is the alpha and omega types, could discuss my father's scapegoating of me. It revealed telling things outside the immediate family but I trusted my uncle. My father might fume and curse but he respect my uncle.
My father was very physically abusive. Before I was born, my mother pressed criminal charges against him. The judge warned my mom that my father was not the least bit embarassed and therefore very dangerous. The judge told her to disappear and never tell him her whereabouts. My gm followed around that he committed no adultery so tough luck. To my utter shock, my former Bethelite uncle took my side in a non threatening manner. My father exploded.
My father had heart disease. He could no longer work. My mom provided all the funds. She had recently slept in another room to get sleep so she could work in a factory. It was the first thing my father raised with my uncle. The shame was keen. My aunt asked if my uncle were there not a scripture, Pauline I believe, that couples could separate for a short while. She was right. I was shocked.
My uncle was so ardent in his worship and viewpoints. He dismissed spare the rod very easily. I don't believe an elder would have done it. My father might have hurt an elder. The oopmh I received from hearing a JW state my father was wrong helped a lot. But this was not a JW procedure.