Im a mormon now and have been one for the last 3 months. at first i really liked it but now I am starting to have 2nd thoughts, I grew up as a jehovahs witness and was disfellowshiped at 19 i really started to look for a new church in july of this year. I started out in a christian church which i really liked but i didnt understand the jesus as god thing/trinity. While going to church i started to talk with the missionaries, they showed me the book of mormon and i did their steps of pray before you read it and then ask god if it was true, i really started to get this great feeling and it was a feeling that i would get while going to church but i felt it really strong when i started investigate the church and when reading the BOM so after 4 weeks of meeting with the missionaries just about everyday i got baptized. after i got baptized i really felt the feeling more then ever and for about a month i was confident about my decision but after about a month i started having doubts and really started learning things that i didnt really know before joining. I didnt truly believe in the whole until 1978 blacks couldnt have the priesthood thing but i learned that was true and that joseph smith had lots of wives, i still dont know if that is true. To be honest i really thought the religion was great and was planning on going on a mission in a year from now but while trying to tell others about my religion i find it very hard to testify that joseph smith is a prophet and that he spoke to god and jesus and that has made me take a step back and for the last 2 weeks i have skipped church I dont know what to do anymore. I can say that the last 3 months have been great and i have stopped drinking alcohol and stoped drugs and lost about 35lbs but again i am at this point of not knowing what to do. I dont really want to be a mormon anymore cuse i dont really believe that what they believe is true its sounds really nice though and it answers a lot of questions that people might have as to what are purpose is in life but is it true? and what is this feeling that i am getting? can anyone relate to my story?
Im a mormon
by deservingone26 55 Replies latest jw friends
Please read Steve Hassan's first book, 'Combatting Cult Mind Control', at your earliest convenience. It's available as a used paperback on Amazon for less than eight bucks.
after i got baptized i really felt the feeling more then ever and for about a month i was confident about my decision but after about a month i started having doubts and really started learning things that i didnt really know before joining.
As a born-in JW you haven't experienced the conversion process. What you describe in your OP is almost exactly what I experienced converting to JWism. Unfortunately you're having an "out of the frying pan" experience.
Learn from it by researching as LWT suggests . . . and take your time with it.
I think anyone that has been in a religion that teaches
the way the Mormons .JW,so many others do that follow earthy
mans orders are under mind control....I believe we are able to
search ,think,& I do believe pray( as I still think the world
shows we have a Creator) Examine the religion we are looking
into thoughly before we commit....So dont feel bad, I was a JW
for over 25 yrs, studied other religions ,looking for a group to
follow, I have now come to the conclusion.NO BODY know it all
so I have come to the place where I believe all Jesus said was
interesting,To love one another ,pray for our enemies, Ask for
leading ,guiding, directing, ....I dont have to follow anyone now.
Of course I may be wrong, But it helps me get through these tough times -
YEEEEESSSS, Joseph Smith had lots of wives.... As did Brigham Young, and many other of the Mormon "founding fathers"...
And while we're on the subject, I've often marveled at the fact that the Mormons could have as many wives as they wanted, whereas the Muslims [who aren't exactly pro-Equal Rights, either...] could only have FOUR wives... That is, if they were being OBEDIENT to the word of Muhammed...
Hypocrisy seems to exist in all religions..
You might want to read this book - written in the late 1800's, by a woman forced into a Mormon marriage. Her account of life as a Mormon wife was a major factor in the United States government's legislation to outlaw polygamy... (the REAL United States government, not the usurping upstart that Joseph Smith tried to set up)...
And while we're on the subject of Joseph Smith...
Were you aware that two very common expressions used in the 1800's to describe CON MEN and TRICKSTERS were, "He pulled a rabbit out of his hat", and "He's talking through his hat"...
You might want to read some secular analyses of the psychology of "con-men", too... See if you can spot any similarities between current understanding of how a "confidence" man's mind works, and the mentality of Joseph Smith...
And take another look at the name of the main Mormon "angel" - "Moroni"....
Or, 'Moron - I'
Con artists like to flaunt their cons right under the noses of their victims... It makes the con-artist feel superior...
what is this feeling that i am getting?
Back when I believed Christianity (of the born-again, slightly charismatic type), I would get an amazing feeling in my chest. I figured it was something special about the Christian religion and that I was experiencing the Holy Spirit. Then I read a poem by Yeats that had nothing to do with Christianity and got the same feeling. I don't think Mormons have a monopoly on those feelings. I think it's part of being human. Perhaps it's the same sort of thing as getting chills upon hearing an amazing piece of music or a great speech.
Don't let cultic groups hijack things that are simply part of our humanity, whether it's hugs, warmth, love, music, or good feelings in the heart.
Well Deserving,
Eight months ago you told us you were going back to the JW cult. I guess that was around April/May. Then in July you were attending a Christian Church. Then you studied with Mormon missionaries and within one month you were baptized. Now after only a month, you want to leave that.
Have you considered therapy? It could be helpful.
thanks for pointing that all out to me Newchapter you are very helpful! and its been 3 months of me being a mormon that i decided that im not sure if i wanted to be a mormon. and yes i have considered therapy but i just dont see how that will help it will just be me throwing more of my money away and them putting me on pills doctors already say im bi polar and wanted to prescribe me to pills so how is therapy honestly going to help. I dont know i just wanted to see if anyone else could relate to my story and had some good advice not someone getting on here and saying im crazy but thanks and i will try to look into some of your other suggestions.
Well, if you are bipolar (why did you pick that diagnosis?) it could mean you really do need help. And in that case, throwing pills at you may be just the thing---I don't know----a doctor would. I'm not saying you are crazy, I'm saying that the little I've seen of your history, you are erratic. It wasn't meant to be an insult---it was meant to be good advice. See a doctor. Therapy may help. Think about it.
The Mormon religion is not for southerners- due to that danged ( sweaty) secret underwear they wear-