Im a mormon

by deservingone26 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Ruh, Roh!! Bi-polar???

    BOTH of my parents were bi-polar - though I do prefer the older terminology - "Manic-Depressive"... It's SO much more descriptive!!!

    If you need medication to control that situation, you would do well to use it...

    Might look into some holistic treatments to ASSIST the medical solution, too...


  • NewChapter

    oops, just reread that post. The doctors have already SAID you were bipolar. Got it. Well, you have some decisions to make. If the doctor says you are bipolar, and we say you are erratic, maybe there is something to it.


  • deservingone26

    nope i will never take medications like those EVER! so good night yall

  • jwfacts

    JW's and Mormons have extremely similar belief systems, background and indoctrination techniques. If you left the JW's and don't believe they have the truth, then you should be feeling the same concern about Mormons. High control religions can help with overcoming addictions, but leaving doesn't mean you have to go back to them. contains a great summary of Mormon history, and looked at through SouthPark eyes should help you understand just how ludicrous the teachings are to an outsider.

    Faith is accepting things that cannot be proven, such as God and an afterlife. As nice as it is to find a human leader to tell you all the answers, at some point you may need to accept that no one actually knows, and that it is not necessary to know.

    If you are bipolar, concentrate on things like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. That is a simple but scientifically proven method of training your mind on how to move from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, and greatly can increase your levels of happiness.

  • sizemik
    nope i will never take medications like those EVER!

    Are you prepared to explain why?

  • NewChapter

    From what I've read, cognitive therapy really helps with the lows, but the highs are another matter. Still, a doctor would know best.


  • Quarterback

    Hi Deserving,

    Thanks for posting your experience with us. In answer to your question, I have seen many go through those feelings that you have explained in your conversion steps as a Mormon.

    These feelings usually come to us sometimes triggered by the attention that your are getting from meeting new friends. Sometimes receiving their acceptance, encouragment, cheering us on has a enjoyable effect. It's sometimes called the honeymoon stage. You know what happens next.

    Next comes the bills, the loss of attention, the stories that people told you about are starting to seem true, reality....BOOM. The sparks start to dissapear. Oh, Oh. The realization that this is not paradise, this is another third world country.

    But, Deserving....don't feel bad about taking meds. Some have to take meds. Many of my friends take meds. I know they don't make you feel 100%, but they do help.


    It does seem as though you DID go from one cult right to another. I have a book of Mormon and have read some of it and it just didn't seem to jive. There were many inconsistencies in my opinion and it just didn't follow through or make a lot of sense. It seemed as though I was reading parts of scriptures and unfinished parables.

    Facinating though how Joseph Smith stated that because he fasted so often he was often weak and apparently that is why he felt ill working on his father's farm and then while heading back home from the fields, he stumbled and had the vision of the angel Moroni who gave him the sacred golden plates that only he and six[? I think] witnesses attest to seeing as Satan wanted to destroy them [the golden, scripture plates I mean].

    Like the Koran, the book of Mormon does state that every word from the Holy Scripures [old and new testament] are true and contain no falsehoods, but then both books state that Christ Jesus was not God [or Emanuel, which means God among us], but Jesus was more of a sign from God. Just a god, but not the God.

    What ever your beliefs are is your business of course, but since you're posting and asking, the old [IS 9;6] and new [John 1;1] testaments clearly state that Jesus is God......Sorry...why did I have to add that?!?

    Anywho-good luck [or God bless],

    you gotta get outta another mess,

    meant sincerely, not in jest,


    The Truth Will Set You Free,

    otherwise known as,


  • Ding


    Are warm, good feelings and a "burning bosom" after praying a prayer really a good test of truth? Many people have great inner feelings about their religions and are firmly convinced that they have the truth, yet those religions contradict each other. I know a lot of JWs who truly FEEL that the WTS is God's organization and don't want to have those feelings disturbed by looking at unpleasant facts.

    I'm glad you are starting to question things. As with the WTS, please check into the actual history of the Mormon religion rather than just accepting the organization's official version.

    Both the WTS and the Mormon church were founded by 19th century Americans who claimed that God had called them to be his messenger in the last days and that what they founded or restored is the only true Christian religion.

    When they died, the organizations that they founded split, and their most successful successors (Joseph Rutherford and Brigham Young) were the ones who took the organization the farthest away from what the founders themselves taught.

    Joseph Smith taught that the Garden of Eden was really located in Missouri! According to Mormon teachings the apostle John never died and is still on earth somewhere, as are three (ancient) disciples of a man called Nephi. Of course, that is pretty bizarre but impossible to disprove; neverthess, if you are going to be a Mormon you are supposed to believe it. Supposedly all sorts of OT type epic wars took place in New York State, of which there is no archaeological evidence at all.

    I have asked Mormon missionaries how there could have been a total apostasy of Christ's church (as Joseph Smith claimed) with these 3 ancient apostles/evangelists always around and why Joseph Smith wasn't counseled by Moroni to find them and submit to their authority. I've also asked why the Mormon church has no contact with them. I've never gotten an answer. In my mind it's similar to asking a JW why Russell started his own organization rather than joining up with "God's visible organization" (which has supposedly always existed since the first century) and submitting to its authority. The teachings don't match the reality.

    Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon says that God is unchangeable. Yet later Mormon writings say that God was once a man on some other planet (Kolob, I believe, wherever that is) and that "as man now is God once was; as God now is, man may become." Mormons believe this. I have had several Mormon missionaries come to my home and tell me that they expect to be gods of their own planets some day.

    For those who are interested in a detailed critical examination of Mormon theology, I recommend Walter Martin's book, "The Maze of Mormonism."

  • ziddina
    "doctors already say im bi polar ..."

    Ironically, years after I was beaten/bullied into the JW cult, I found out that bi-polar people tend to be strongly drawn to the more extreme sects - and cults....

    Due to the emotional swings, they often mistake a "manic" "high", as a sign that "god" is "present"... Then, when in the "depressive" stage, they will tend to cling to ANY hope of an "instant" cure, no matter how illogical or unreasonable the claims of the sect/cult... They also can mistake the "depressive" stage as "opression", frequently of a "demonic" nature...

    I watched my idiot father go thru decades of frequent hospitalization and electro-shock therapy, all the while he DESPERATELY clung to that fantastical idea of a "magical paradise" in which everyone would be suddenly "fixed"...

    Served him right, for hitting, kicking and insulting me...


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