Granted, I'm out and don't keep up with all the goings on anymore but I know of only one 'younger man' who has made elder in the last ten years...and he's 45 or so.
That stands out to me because, well, I'm not young anymore and all my peers from the old days are either DFd, inactive, fringe members or are doing just enough to get by. Very, very few of the guys I grew up with...or even the kid brothers coming up behind us...ever made elder. Hell, most didn't make MS.
The few elders of what you would consider 'younger man' are converts. They come in guns a-blazing and buy into the scam 100%. They become intolerable as they reach out and gain "privileges" and become an elder.
The "born-ins", like me, burned out along the way. Some are just lazy. They were raised to think the end was any day now and to not put stock in the future, so they just go about their day to day life with no real purpose, worldly, JW or otherwise. Some have an inner crisis of conscience but haven't been honest enough with themselves to ask the hard question, "could the WTS really be wrong". And now I'm starting to see evidence of quite a few who are enlightened and awakened. They're going through the motions enough to skate by without be harrassesd and are waiting for the day when they can really quit.
As fewer people convert and as the born-ins drift away/leave, the pool for eligible elders gets smaller and smaller. And like LWT said, they'll lower the bar for being accepted, just to get warm bodies in there to do the work.
Dark days are in store for those who turn to what they think will be true spiritual men to help them with their problems.