Lack of Elders in your hall?

by stuckinamovement 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    We've had a couple of elders appointed in the past couple of years who wouldn't have made the grade 10 years ago. The average age is 60+.

  • undercover

    I went to a JW funeral a few months ago and saw a lot of faces I haven't seen in a while. There were a few elders who were close to my age there from different halls. They were mostly converts who made the grade and an one was an ex-Bethelite, now local elder, but I had known them when I was still in.

    I remember as a kid, looking at the elders and seeing them as stodgy, conservative, out-of-touch, not-with-it, geezers. What I thought were old men then were actually in their 30s, early 40s. As a kid anyone over 30 is old, but those guys seemed even older...and hopelessly out of touch. I always hoped that I would never grow up to be like those men.

    Fast forward back to the funeral. Seeing some of these guys that I had not seen in years, some of em a decade even, I was surprised at how old they looked. Out of shape, overweight, tired, stressed, fashionably out of date, bad hair styles (if they had hair). These guys had become the same exact guys that I remember from my childhood... except these guys weren't old men.... they were my peer group.

    It was kind of sad, but at the same time made me glad that I had escaped the sentance of serving as an elder and becoming that which I reviled as a kid.

  • Balaamsass

    Huge pressure on Elders to have PERFECT FAMILIES. Impossible for any middle aged man with teenagers to have a balanced family life and DO ALL THE BUSY WORK the WTBTS loads on him. Kids are kids, so almost NO ONE qualifies as presiding over their families in a fine manner if they have normal teenagers who "act out" a bit.... WHEN DAD IS NEVER HOME, AND WHEN HE IS, HE PRESSURES THEM TO APPEAR PERFECT.

    What adjusted person who loves his family will put his wife and kids through that? At the first sign of trouble at home they step aside.

    Hearing the CO ramble on with nonsense, and reading all the private "letters" from WTBTS, doing the mental limbo to deal with the Watchtower legal on crap like pedophilia will slap that "True Believer " out of you darn quick. Having to be "harmonious" with mean spirited, pharisaical A Holes in judicial matters gives most healthy men coronary problems in short order.

  • truth_b_known

    Here's a list of reasons why the pool of candidates has shrunk to nothing:

    1) Economy - How does a man support a wife, kids, and a mortgage on a janitor's salary? To support a family on one income is no small task. Especially if you are only allowed to have a high school education. I say one income because, if your wife is working rather than pioneering, your family is not setting a good example.

    2) Work Schedules - the number of jobs, high paying or not, that allow you to have all of your nights and weekends free is dwindling. Especially so in the U.S. where the service industry is now the main employer. Circuit Overseers tell elders that jobs requiring shiftwork are unsuitable.

    3) Elder Workload - Mediator, Referee, Marriage Consellor, Psychiatrist; these are but a few responsibilites elders are asked to be. The only training and education they receive on these topics is a book that tells you how to avoid law suits. Not to mention all the parts you have to prepare to deliver and the fact that you have to take the lead in the ministry.

    4) Ultimate Self-Denial - Imagine having to deny yourself simple pleasures simply because one person MIGHT have an opinion that such a thing is unbecoming. Television, movies, music, consuming alcohol, interest in sports; kiss them goodbye. We wouldn't want to stumble somebody.

    5) It all Smoke & Mirrors - Many still in the evil empire see it for what it is; fairy tales and, as the Romans said, "Taurus Feces". However, they are too afraid of the shunning to give up all together. All their family and friends are still in. They cannot stomach the idea of their loved ones shunning them. So, unless everyone leaves at once, they all stay. Slowly wasting away.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Well my EX was an elder and during my JC it was obvious I had reasons to not be happy so he got the boot and also do to my confessions... One of the other married elders had hit on me a few years ago and I talked about it... he confessed and got private reprof and de-eldered. He took it hard started drinking and just got odd....

  • stuckinamovement

    Sounds like it is a typical problem of older elders and few prospects for sucession by a younger group. I was 27 when appointed and could only stomach it for 7 years before bailing. There were a slew of us younger guys appointed around the same time. Many of them are getting really really burned out and are looking at throwing in the towel.

    I know that there are many here who will castigate elders. There are a few dickheads I know that are serving as elders, but the majority that I know are good family guys who are trying to do the best thing they know how. They are tired, depressed and going through the motions. It cannot be a healthy organization when its mid-managers are burning out and jumping ship.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    think about it has a face nice to see you

  • Balaamsass

    The problem of course is "there is NO Holy Spirit." In ancient Isreal the Priests would just READ the law to the nation ONE meeting per week. They weren't kept busy MAKING UP TALKS. Only a few retired ELDERS at the GATE for the entire CITY.

    Sooo a lot less busy work. The priests primary JOB was the Temple, and the FEW ELDERS at the gate were probably retired. Fewer demands required fewer men, and therefore they could be more qualified.

    The WBTS self made system is self destructing for many reasons.

  • NoRegrets

    There was real irony in the hall we were last affiliated with. Our hall housed 3 congregations; 2 English and 1 Spanish congregation. Despite all of the supposed tremendous growth in the Spanish speaking territories, our English congregation was in greater need. So, we had two MS's that were actually transferred IN from the Spanish congo! They didn't even speak very fluent English! We were deep into fading and I immediately took note at what a bad indicator that was for the entire org! They were immediately put to work in several departments and doing more menial duties!

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