Outright Misrepresentations of Quotes and Citations in Watchtower Literature

by Londo111 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bioflex

    @leavingwt : thanks for your post about the cross, very insightfull.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse


  • Londo111

    Here is a point I just learned from In Search of Christian Freedom by Brother Raymond Franz. I thought I would share it here, for while maybe not a misrepresentations an inconsistency. I was always taught that the New World Translation was consistent in its rendering and bias free.

    If you have the Kingdom Interlinear handy, compare Acts 2:46 and Acts 5:42. The phrase translated as "door to door" in 5:42, is translated as "in private homes" in 2:46.

    If we say early Christians preached from house to house in a consecutive manner, then they must have also taken their meals from house to house in a consecutive manner.

    But if it means 'private homes', that makes Paul's words in Acts 20:20 more logical, for he was saying that he taught both publicly and privately.

    Thus there does not seem to be "door to door" command or precedent for Christians. The New World Translation, by its inconsistency, seems to hide that fact.

  • Londo111

    Now that I hit 'submit', I now see all the typos in the above post. My apologies for the lack of proofreading. I guess I am just flabbergasted that I, a person with lots of social anxiety, was forced to bother people at their homes for almost four decades based on these verses.

  • finallysomepride


  • Vidqun

    Dr. M. Reisel in his monograph The Mysterious Name of Y.H.W.H., on p. 74, wrote that "[cultic] vocalisation of the Tetragrammaton must originally have been YeHuàH or YaHuàH." As such it was quoted in the Name-brochure. They conveniently left out the word "cultic" (they don't like the word) and the fact that he was referring to post-exilic pronunciation, which is quite relevant in the study of the Divine Name.

  • Magwitch


  • Londo111


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