On a little more serious note...
One thing that kept me in as long as it did was the WTS outward (I stress: outward) stand on wars and politics. The WTS and JWs are apolitical. They don't endorse any one candidate or party. They remain neutral in those affairs. They refrain from making war.
I think a lot of religions could do well to practice at least part of that policy.
I know, I know... It's fairly easy to dispel a good bit of just how neutral the WTS really was, but on the surface... to the everday J-dub, like me, knowing that "we" were acting more like Jesus in staying neutral and out of the world's political affairs and armed conficts, it was a point that made me think that it was closer to true Christianity than other so-called christian religions where Baptist took up arms agasint Baptist; Catholic against Catholic, etc.