Personally, the "Truth" did set me free. More exactly, apostates did. You know, the Watchtower is such a "snare and a racket" that once someone explains it to you, it is very easy to connect the dots and see all other "snares and rackets" under the same light. And I don't mean just religious snares and rackets.
Also, since the Watchtower gives such importance to arguing and presenting stuff in a seemingly convincing way, I am now able (thanks to the giants who raised me in their shoulders) to see beyond deceit. Much more so than I used to.
I also happened to be in contact with some fine people, in this forum and outside. Some who are great indeed. If they had come to my house with their Watchtowers and Awakes, I would have pretended not to be home, or to be busy, or would have bought the magazines quickly so they would leave. Now I can see beyond that. I don't have much sympathy for "us" vs "them" anymore.
JWFacts, Farkel, Leavingwt, Terry, Broken Promises, Leolaia, Mary, Blondie, YKnot (I haven't seen her much around here), Mouthy, Dogpatch, Outlaw, Poopsiecakes, Justitia Themis, Taliesin, Besty, Possible-san and some others.
Those are the only truths I have found in the Truth.