In case of a really serious medical emergency- it's something to seriously consider. Otherwise former aquaintances like JW elders in your former congregations or allegedly well meaning JW relatives who may have been listed by you as your emergency contacts might try running interference regarding the medical treatment you receive ! Which may actually cost us our life, literally if a blood transfusion is needed to save us.
I finally changed my emergency medical contacts a few years ago legally to my non-Witness wife, my non-Witness mother in law, and my non-Witness adult son. When I was at the doctor there were several forms I had to sign like emergency contacts, who would have power of attorney in case I was unconcious, those kinds of things. It relieved me and made me feel a whole lot safer than if I hadn't done that !
The recent experience of Aquagirl and her JW mom ( thanks for the idea Aquagirl ! ) receiving so much intrusion into their privacy from elders and JW family members I believe emphasizes the need for many of us to perhaps think about how important this is to do.
So how many of you have changed your contacts to non-Witness friends and relatives ? Or do you still have JW's down as your contacts in case of emergencies ? Or any other thoughts you might have would be helpful to all of us too ! Thanks. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper